Would you take a new CV spec job with the Brilinta DOJ investigation?


Brilinta is a wonderful drug with amazing sales ($6 m per month on average!)! This little DOJ is nothing to worry about. AZ will get slapped with a small fine and nothing more! This is SOP at AZ. Hell, we are fined all the time! Corporate Integrity Agreements are common place, so we know how to deal with them.

Come on in the water my friend! You will love it here. Average work week is 15 to 20 hours. Lots of counterparts to hide behind. Management unlike anything you have ever seen!!!

He'll no! It will be pulled from the market in 2014, trust me.

Years ago I promoted Omniflox. The Friday ourselves and Abbott were notified it was pulled from the market was the first most of us (including managers) heard of real trouble. My guess is if anything happens with Brilinta it will be quiet until the last minute, and even then reps will probably hear about it in the news before any formal statements go out to the field. I'm doubtful it will be pulled as fines (settlement) seem to occur in the majority of cases.

I keep on hearing about a fine instead of Brilinta removed from market, but this is an investigation into the main study, not marketing off-label. Based on this, do you still believe it will just be a fine? Please reply. Thanks for your thoughts

I keep on hearing about a fine instead of Brilinta removed from market, but this is an investigation into the main study, not marketing off-label. Based on this, do you still believe it will just be a fine? Please reply. Thanks for your thoughts

The entire basis for approval is in question. If the DOJ finds anything wrong the drug will be pulled from the market AND there could be criminal charges...oh yeah perhaps a fine too...but anyway the drug would be gone. If not...what doctor would use it?

If i had a job, I wouldn't leave it. If you don't, I would take it. Worst case scenario, you get the sixty day warn notice plus twelve weeks of severance. Sometimes, you will get a thirty day notice beforehand.

I keep on hearing about a fine instead of Brilinta removed from market, but this is an investigation into the main study, not marketing off-label. Based on this, do you still believe it will just be a fine? Please reply. Thanks for your thoughts

Difficult to say. There will be tons of data to sift through from many different countries and centers. Many different participants who contributed. Even if there is question to some of the data, what will it mean to the validity of the entire clinical trials? Is it proof, interpretation, or was something actually buried?

As you point out, DOJ is investigating, so there is certainly something of concern to give them question. Most of us can only guess as to what they will find, if anything, and what the response will be.

Surely there are people in the loop, but they probably don't post here :)

AZ has an insurance policy to cover any problems here, so who cares? The big shots are making their million dollar paychecks, and the game will go on. If you were they, what would you do? Come on!

Get real. They pay you $100,000 + to show Ipod commercials. Imagine what they make.

Take it if you need a job. As with all Pharma, a lot depends on DM. The big B is going nowhere. DOJ will fine AZ if any data issues are discovered. DOJ is constantly looking into drug companies for various reasons. Look at all the issues Vytorin faced with the Enhance trial and it is still on the market.

Take it if you need a job. As with all Pharma, a lot depends on DM. The big B is going nowhere. DOJ will fine AZ if any data issues are discovered. DOJ is constantly looking into drug companies for various reasons. Look at all the issues Vytorin faced with the Enhance trial and it is still on the market.

True, but the way they change territories and bosses around here, probably sooner than later you are going to run into a Bill Lumbergh (boss on Office Space).

True, but the way they change territories and bosses around here, probably sooner than later you are going to run into a Bill Lumbergh (boss on Office Space).

So true.... I am exhausted. I just got a new one who seems nice enough...... but so coporate. Do you really think an IC wants a small IPAD screen in thier face ? Don't get me wrong visuals and talking about patient cases makes sense..... but make it appear natural as opposed to some marketing BS. Please don't coach me to be a non-credible jackass with my customers.

So true.... I am exhausted. I just got a new one who seems nice enough...... but so coporate. Do you really think an IC wants a small IPAD screen in thier face ? Don't get me wrong visuals and talking about patient cases makes sense..... but make it appear natural as opposed to some marketing BS. Please don't coach me to be a non-credible jackass with my customers.

Upper management and marketing has to see it, track it, and metric it in order for it to be believed. Essentially it is perceived that the correct marketing enforced across the board will result in the desirable outcome, even if that meets with disgust with some prescribers.

Unfortunately as you and I know it isn't some, it's most. Relevant conversations still outsell marketing fluff any day of the week. A new campaign isn't bad for a time, but to continually pound out the same message is maniacal, especially if it's fluff or doesn't meet the real needs of the prescriber or patients.

So most reps probably click a couple of screens (or sometimes all) in the waiting room. Problem is that marketing isn't really getting a clear picture of what is actually happening, so the manure continues to be shoveled downhill. So far as the DM's, messaging is the easiest and safest route, and the field day appraisal is so conveniently set up for it.

idiots Brilinta will NEVER be pulled as this is a superficial inquiry that has been blown WAY out of proportion. I'm seeing steady gains in my territory, key docs realize that "superior over plavix" is the way to go. Nay Nay go away Nay Sayers make noise and cry because they were cut.

idiots Brilinta will NEVER be pulled as this is a superficial inquiry that has been blown WAY out of proportion. I'm seeing steady gains in my territory, key docs realize that "superior over plavix" is the way to go. Nay Nay go away Nay Sayers make noise and cry because they were cut.

Congratulations. I guess I am a nay sayer. I am tired of all the high pressure bs. When I look at the coupon redemption report show it shows 3-4 times the patients than I get credit for or hospitals buy bottles of B and I told I am doing bad. huh ? And by the way AZ before you fire someone for nonperformance how about getting the sales crediting accurate? Can I can control that the person writing scripts is credited to Timbuktu ? I changed the address 8 months ago?