Who will be next to go in CV Spec

spoken like the true yes man you are. you have no idea the damage these two caused in this once great company. truly good hard-working conscientious employees let go for no reason. And in KPs case, employees terminated just so he could be moved closer to where he wants to retire. shameful. DH got his and I'm sure KP will get his in the end. karma's a b****
That is what these people do. If you are not intimidating, accusing, persecuting and firing someone or in the process of firing someone then MT will get rid of you. That is the leadership culture in AZ all based on forced rankings at the root of the evil. MT will never ask a manager how many people they have developed and promoted. He is only concerned with how many they have fired. Sick but true. That is how the game is played and anyone who could not tolerate this style of leadership got out long ago. All that remain are the KPs of the world whose only claim to fame is a hit list a mile long of once solid performers who were driven off so that he could keep his job.

And that is what is wrong with most failed companies: A culture of fear, rule by firing/intimidation, pretty soon all that stay are the liars, cheats, master manipulators and such. I bet truly successful companies have cultures where employees feel reasonably safe and management fosters a much better environment.

We have so many worthless PSSs. Give me one really good rep per territory or hospital system and that's all you need. Unfortunately many of our sales reps are a bunch of cry babies who can't solve their own territory challenges or issues. It's easier to blame the brand strategy or something else why they can't come close to hitting their numbers. Fortunately there are still some really good reps out there but they are few and far between. Maybe the new nurses can teach some of you how to sell Brilinta in this challenging market.

Tim seems nice enough but there is no depth. I knew him when he was a DSM with Bayer and then he made it to RSD but that is about it. No HQ experience. Just a sales guy. No more no less but certainly NOT NSD level. Please. Is that all you have at a $33B company? Let me guess 0 friend of Mike

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