Would Lilly Keep Us In A Hostile Takeover?

JP Morgan Healthcare meeting in San Francisco this week. I believe they have our best interests as employees in mind. Don’t listen to the “sky is falling” posters. We are the companies most valued asset.
this has to be a joke, right? AB doesn't give a crap about us, nor do most of the other sr. execs at this company.

this has to be a joke, right? AB doesn't give a crap about us, nor do most of the other sr. execs at this company.
Agree. For those who have met AB at a meeting or award trip, they will assure you that his euro-arrogance is real. He doesn’t give a crap about anyone that is below him and doesn’t care if you know it. He does love the limelight and not happy that he and PFE are no longer media darlings