Firstly: Yes I as a BSS don't know many of my providers, but they called me on the phone many times with specific clinical questions. I have a huge territory which keeps me moving all the time. I spent hours in the old days following up with their inquiries, doing inservices with staff/providers and huge hours with vaccine coordinators. I am sorry if that didn't leave me time to stand in the hallway with a detail piece in my hand hoping for 10 seconds with a doctor who "thinks" he already knows all there is to know about Synagis. Instead, I worked closely with nurses, and synagis coordinators and encouraged them to fight for the babies and fight the provider for the babies. To me, that is a clinical sell. My numbers have always been well over 100 percent every year.
My CMM was my right hand, we worked very well together. However, once she was made a FRM, her goal and mine took a different path. Noone's fault, the home office has done a poor job of defining their role and instead has eeked out information in the middle of full on Synagis season so we are all very confused about who can do what when. I don't mean compliance, I mean who can take charge and have the same feelings about it as we did as a BSS. They don't have the impatience we had as a BSS.
We are always accused of being complainers yet by the very definition of our job, we were forced to scream loudly to make things happen. Our RAMS and NAMS move at the same pace as our FRMs. They have conference calls to discuss things, then another call a week later and three weeks later, they will ask us for more information or to call our doctor and see if he can help them. Now wouldn't that frustrate you when you have an office counting on you to get back to them within a day or two because Synagis isn't their only job? Think about that.
So now we have a system that is broken, but everyone is acting like they are doing a great job: the FRM because it's a new job and they want to keep it, but we BSS's are still trying to deal with the same offices, the same issues, and now with more barriers. We take pride in our jobs, we do offer value as the CMMs did to Neos. For my part I have visited with all my hospitals and have been accepted very readily, and not one time has a neonatologist asked about the CMM, so maybe that's something to think about.
I want to back off and let the FRM do her job. Just please do it quicker. Just do it with the same feeling about it that I did, and please stop having conference calls to discuss everything and not changing anything.
Follow up on offices, stop leaving everything a week or two. Then I will relax, get out my detail aid and stand in the hall waiting to clinically sell so you will finally know I can Sell anything. I know it already, but I want you to be happy.