With regard to the Genentech reps. It's not really selling if you don't have a drug that you have to compete against. Let's see what happens as the wheels continue to fall off the Avastin wagon. I would argue that it takes more skill to sell a therapy that has serious competition. It makes a better story if you can say you were successful selling "dogs" then to say I sold drugs with no competition and I had an enormous expense account. For the record, our drugs are not "dogs".
That very well may be true but if Genentech comes across a hiring managers desk versus MGI, Ligand, or Eisai, the Genentech guy will go to the front of the line. Whether they are better or worse sales people or if selling commodities like anti emetics or an inferior drug like Dac are harder or not is debatable. The Genentech guy could say that because they have leadership products their goals are always sky high and everyone is gunning for me. Remember this is pharmaceutical sales, you are competing against a your forecasted goal not another product…
Also people get hired because of connections at key cancer centers and experience in a therapeutic area. The “I sold a dog story” doesn’t resonate in oncology where most therapeutic choices are based on guidelines, standards of care, and data. They want to know do you have a good understanding of this certain tumor type, and do you know and have access to the key players in the territory. The worst job to have here is a lymphoma rep wanting to break into a solid tumor. They are not going to know any of the big academic breast, lung, prostate, CRC, docs. The Aloxi/Dac reps at least call on everybody with Aloxi since it is contracted so they have very good access and connections at a lot of cancer centers/academia. BTW Dac, Ontak, and Targretin are the definition of dogs…
Aloxi and Fragmin are good products, but they are supportive care which most good oncology companies do not consider as “oncology experience”. Just as GCSF reps at Amegn and Ortho how hard it is to break into and make oncology money…