Worst RD - Chris Brown in SE area

Whether it's the DMs or Brown, we are way way over managed. It's like organized chaos from management. In my opinion, whether it's the DMs or Brown that has implemented the micromanagement, it still falls in Brown's responsibility. If it's the DMs then he has to pull the reigns back on what they do.

So it's still Chris Brown that is the super micromanager or a poor leader or both.

Everything I said is all facts

He's terrible. He rode with me once (CB the RD) and would basically yell instructions on commack style selling. He gets so red faced and intense. I sure would like to see him go sell meds. He doesn't sell me on his management capabilities so I'm betting he couldn't sell to prescribers either

Is he the one that is implementing this weekly tracker bullsh1t? Or is that the DMs trying to look like they have a purpose?

Whoever' sides it is needs to realize its a major waste if time.

So, look at you doc your calling & check out prescribing habits. & formulary coverage. Then write it all out on what you're going to do. Ok writing it out is repetitive. Update your business plan template on basically a weekly basis and enter the number of prescriptions that each doctor had written on your business plan. Oh yeah, the numbers are a month behind and that's just the ones that are semi reported on time from the pharmacy. Awwwww fvck it. There's too much sh1t that's repetitive & a waste of time I don't even want to type it out.

Fvck this place. Management has burned most people out, nothing is efficient and I used to care but I don't anymore. Way to go DMs and CB. Way to go.

Brian Conner is one DM is that under him and that guy sucks at managing, sales and has zero people skills which is kinda what you need to be at least descent at in pharmaceutical sales

Brian Conner is one DM is that under him and that guy sucks at managing, sales and has zero people skills which is kinda what you need to be at least descent at in pharmaceutical sales

RD here. I know this guy and he is a wunderful manager. Pleese halt this bickering and Name Calling Immedeately. I will as an RD report upline that reps are out of control. Again.

Funny. Poster above is obviously a troll. I too worked for Brian Conner before the realignment. I can now speak freely that he is a major liability to the company. My prediction is that he will not make it another year before he gets himself terminated and possibly gets the company either fined or in a law suit.

Several of us that are his former reps are now speaking up about him. His rep is taking a nose dive quickly.

DMs - lesson: you can be a good manager & help your reps. Don't do it in a way that pisses them off. Degrading and demoralizing your reps will eventually come back to bite you.

Funny. Poster above is obviously a troll. I too worked for Brian Conner before the realignment. I can now speak freely that he is a major liability to the company. My prediction is that he will not make it another year before he gets himself terminated and possibly gets the company either fined or in a law suit.

Several of us that are his former reps are now speaking up about him. His rep is taking a nose dive quickly.

DMs - lesson: you can be a good manager & help your reps. Don't do it in a way that pisses them off. Degrading and demoralizing your reps will eventually come back to bite you.


Funny. Poster above is obviously a troll. I too worked for Brian Conner before the realignment. I can now speak freely that he is a major liability to the company. My prediction is that he will not make it another year before he gets himself terminated and possibly gets the company either fined or in a law suit.

Several of us that are his former reps are now speaking up about him. His rep is taking a nose dive quickly.

DMs - lesson: you can be a good manager & help your reps. Don't do it in a way that pisses them off. Degrading and demoralizing your reps will eventually come back to bite you.

YOU are a TROLL !!! The RD speaks from the heart. Conner is a GOOD MAN, an EXCELLENT MANAGER. Yes he has alienated a few lousy reps who were not doing their job. That's the way it is my friend. If you can't take the heat then leave. Everytime a Forest manager breaks away from the mediocrity of the pack he / she becomes a target of those who FEAR CHANGE. Stop the fake calls and come in early for a change !!!!

My dear troll friend you should be ashamed of your nasty post.

YOU are a TROLL !!! The RD speaks from the heart. Conner is a GOOD MAN, an EXCELLENT MANAGER. Yes he has alienated a few lousy reps who were not doing their job. That's the way it is my friend. If you can't take the heat then leave. Everytime a Forest manager breaks away from the mediocrity of the pack he / she becomes a target of those who FEAR CHANGE. Stop the fake calls and come in early for a change !!!!

My dear troll friend you should be ashamed of your nasty post.


Look how obvious it is that this DM took time to come on cafe pharma and defend himself. OMFG!!!! It's the most obvious post I've seen from a DM. I don't even know you but this is too easy to spot. And what are you doing on cafe pharma?????? Insecure much???!!!!???
I wonder why?!?! Looks like people hate you. The fact that you came to defend yourself on an internet message board tells me all I need to know about you and I've never heard your name before.

YOU are a TROLL !!! The RD speaks from the heart. Conner is a GOOD MAN, an EXCELLENT MANAGER. Yes he has alienated a few lousy reps who were not doing their job. That's the way it is my friend. If you can't take the heat then leave. Everytime a Forest manager breaks away from the mediocrity of the pack he / she becomes a target of those who FEAR CHANGE. Stop the fake calls and come in early for a change !!!!

My dear troll friend you should be ashamed of your nasty post.

ABSOLUTELY. These trolls who say bad things about Mr Conner are losers. Period. Conner is a brillient manager. I am a DM who knows him well and vouch for his skillset and strategic critical thinking skills. Far above the norm for Forest, I must admit even as I myself am a gifted leader.

Ok, I'm breaking my silence. I AM Brian f'n Conner. I'm the best ever. The only thing I'm not good at is selling and managing people. But I can fill out some spreadsheets!