Most all my friends complain about the 24/7 "pharma huckster" ads on TV. Several said after listening to all the disclaimers (warnings) they would never take the drugs. I saw a link on CP about the cheesy, irritating, huckster like ED ads but this thread is for one to post the most irritating/stupid/cheesy/huckster like/ ads you dislike. Also, remember when the public admired the pharma business? These ads have helped ruin it today.

I wish the FTC would slap the hell out of these GD low life bastards who embarrass parents like me to hell and back when we watch TV programs with our children. I had to switch channels today while watching football with my 8 year old because the nasty bastards from Pfizer were throwing their hos on the screen with their fake seductive come to bed schlt.

I wish the FTC would slap the hell out of these GD low life bastards who embarrass parents like me to hell and back when we watch TV programs with our children. I had to switch channels today while watching football with my 8 year old because the nasty bastards from Pfizer were throwing their hos on the screen with their fake seductive come to bed schlt.

I agree 100%!!!

Most all my friends complain about the 24/7 "pharma huckster" ads on TV. Several said after listening to all the disclaimers (warnings) they would never take the drugs. I saw a link on CP about the cheesy, irritating, huckster like ED ads but this thread is for one to post the most irritating/stupid/cheesy/huckster like/ ads you dislike. Also, remember when the public admired the pharma business? These ads have helped ruin it today.

I just hope Trump busts the asses of these scamming crooks in the ripoff drug industry. All the drug ads are disgusting . It would be even more rewarding to see him put a ban on the nonstop, irritating, disgusting to the general public ED ads from Pfizer and Eli Lilly. At one time I respected these companies but now respect used car ads more and would buy a used car before buying Viagra or Cialis.

I just hope Trump busts the asses of these scamming crooks in the ripoff drug industry. All the drug ads are disgusting . It would be even more rewarding to see him put a ban on the nonstop, irritating, disgusting to the general public ED ads from Pfizer and Eli Lilly. At one time I respected these companies but now respect used car ads more and would buy a used car before buying Viagra or Cialis.

Just this morning I bet a friend the sleazy "four hour erection" ads, as several have called them, would slap our family members in the face during the first quarter. He bet after halftime. Well both of us have lost even before the game started as sleazy Pfitzer just threw their bimbo erection ad at us two hours before the game started in the pre game show,lol.

Just this morning I bet a friend the sleazy "four hour erection" ads, as several have called them, would slap our family members in the face during the first quarter. He bet after halftime. Well both of us have lost even before the game started as sleazy Pfitzer just threw their bimbo erection ad at us two hours before the game started in the pre game show,lol.

These sleazy assholes are even plastering their ads on the reality show programs like on The Discovery Channel and History. Pukeasses don't care who they offend.

These sleazy assholes are even plastering their ads on the reality show programs like on The Discovery Channel and History. Pukeasses don't care who they offend.

Eli Lilly is the biggest "pukeass" company IMO. Their "pukeass" ads are thrown into your face every day even on the evening newscasts like the "pukeass" CBS network.

Both Eli Lilly and Pfizer are "pukeass" companies if you ask me. I think most drug ads make people sicker than they already are and the ED ads are so juvenile they make me sick.