Worst Medical Companies


How can it be a 'cool' company when most people are broke and want out? Go to Medzilla and read the posts there, its unreal the anger and the number of postings! Explain your cool comment, i am just curious!

Organongensis... Complete and total BS about the compensation, the tell there best reps make 130-150k, when the most you can make is in the low 90's. One product that is ten years old. Awful management.

Everything I've heard it has to be I-Flow. Everyone I've ever talked to about this company has trashed them...I interviewed a while back..mgr kept coming up w/ different stories about everything company related.

Cyberonics. One of the most unethical companies in the business. Read the posts on that board and you'll see if people aren't getting laid off they quit on their own.


They claim that BPH microwave therapy is the leader. Do you know how many men have prostate issues and this company can't grow???? Either its a shitty product or just shitty management.

RS MEDICAL is far and away the MOST unprofessional, shadiest company out there.....DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM!!!@!!!!!!!!
They will even try to charge you for the inventory that is impossible to move due to the payors who have all gotten wise to this scam artist company. I worked there and my RM actually told me to 'forget to return the device a patient wanted to send back so it didn't affect my commission.' After about 4 months of employment, I realized the devices didn't help people, broke and scammed the insurance companies. I felt like the biggest piece of shit lying to patients that this fake ass device did ANYTHING but humm and vibrate. They will even deduct $ from your paycheck when the inventory doesn't move and they will claim you have serial # devices you never received so you can lose money while working your ass off to save a sinking ship. My former RM never even worked with me. I would NEVER refer anyone to this horrible company BE WARNED!!!!!!!