Worst Managers ..GO!

Trainers are a complete joke. Takeda needs to look at the trainers. They are ladder climbers who can’t sell and want to be in management. They are the reasons they can’t keep good talent

G Fellstrom on east coast -Complete tool bag & clueless as to how to lead although rather a master in micromanaging.

winner winner chicken dinner. Guy is a complete HR nightmare. Worst manager ever! No one respects him, no one likes him and everyone talks about him including other managers. Get a clue guy, you suck!!

Former employee. Greg fellstrom in va is probably the worst manager I’ve ever had in all my years. He will undermine you, twist your words, pit teammates against each other and oh yea also block you from getting a job or promotion if it doesn’t serve him. When will HR wake up and see he is a nightmare. I bet he’s already harassed people on his team -

Most managers at takeda are sketch blow hards who don’t know their head from their ass and their ass from a hole in the ground. They can’t sell and like most losers who can’t perform they will say or do just about anything (the easy way out) to skirt personal accountability.

When I was with Takeda, I reported Joe Kelly, who was under Roy Williams.

I can’t say they were bad managers, just kinda stuck in the past and a bit aloof and clueless to how the industry has changed the past decade.

Both had good hearts, caring people, but like everything else at that company just failed to adapt to changing times.

Can’t say anything bad about either, but they were there essentially to approve expenses, and remind you to synch veeva.

Didn’t feel like their fault, everything we were managed to was more about covering our own butt’s than advancing sales.

Upper management above them, seemed to be a real sales prevention force.