Talks shit about her manager's tattoo, she calls it "fucking stupid" the tattoo is a cross, he's Christian
she was physically abused and hates all men who don't kiss her ass
Has no managerial experience prior to her current role.
tells her people she won't update her linkedin profile because she would leave this shit show for a dollar and doesn't want the headache of getting offers from recruiters
She won't drink at meetings until she speaks to her husband because "he will know'
She told her husband when she came up accidentally pregnant that either he was going to do most of the parenting or she would abort it because she was busy at work. That's right she was going to murder her son because she was busy at work.
She is about to lose her biggest customer.
Her numbers aren't great, her turnover is high and her customers hate her.
Ok boys and girl ..... name this piece of shit