Worst dm so far??

In Pegs district in Denver at Endo, it was a constant source of jokes at meetings that she never returned calls or messages to her reps. It would be laughed about during POA's and she would just ignore it, the only person who had her calls returned was her best friend who was in the district. Nobody ever got help when they needed it except for LM her best friend. I think I would get a return call 1 out of a dozen messages, texts, calls or voicemails. Its probably LM posting good comments about her. I remember LM apologizing to everyone at meeting because she was the only one Peg answered her phone for.

i don't know who you are, but you're full of it. completely untrue.

In Pegs district in Denver at Endo, it was a constant source of jokes at meetings that she never returned calls or messages to her reps. It would be laughed about during POA's and she would just ignore it, the only person who had her calls returned was her best friend who was in the district. Nobody ever got help when they needed it except for LM her best friend. I think I would get a return call 1 out of a dozen messages, texts, calls or voicemails. Its probably LM posting good comments about her. I remember LM apologizing to everyone at meeting because she was the only one Peg answered her phone for.

i was at those meetings and that is not true. none of it. Peg was the best manager i ever had in this industry.

In Pegs district in Denver at Endo, it was a constant source of jokes at meetings that she never returned calls or messages to her reps. It would be laughed about during POA's and she would just ignore it, the only person who had her calls returned was her best friend who was in the district. Nobody ever got help when they needed it except for LM her best friend. I think I would get a return call 1 out of a dozen messages, texts, calls or voicemails. Its probably LM posting good comments about her. I remember LM apologizing to everyone at meeting because she was the only one Peg answered her phone for.

Think about what this liar said… his own words "I would get a return call 1 out of a dozen messages, texts, calls or voicemails."
Really? Dozens? What exactly did you need so badly that you couldn't fix yourself? You couldn't find a way to get it done without Peg? My goodness, what if she went on vacation?
And I'm not LM, who also would never come to this site. Too much class.

If Peg is such a bad DM, then why did every single one of her ex-Endo reps and other colleagues want to come work for her again at Zogenix? In one state in her region she had 15 reps wanting to work for her but only 3 openings...sounds like sour grapes from someone that didn't get the job!

This is one supporter writing all of these posts in support of Peg, the truth is that if she had all these perfect reps (because she was so great), why aren't any of them at Zogenix? She didn't recruit these excellent reps. My theory is that they know all about her and she needed a fresh start with reps who did not know her bad habits. Like going to see reps for ride alongs and never making a single call in one or two days. Believe me, it happened a lot. I know four reps including me who didn't work on multiple occasions when she came to work with them. If your manager doesn't work, why should you?

This is one supporter writing all of these posts in support of Peg, the truth is that if she had all these perfect reps (because she was so great), why aren't any of them at Zogenix? She didn't recruit these excellent reps. My theory is that they know all about her and she needed a fresh start with reps who did not know her bad habits. Like going to see reps for ride alongs and never making a single call in one or two days. Believe me, it happened a lot. I know four reps including me who didn't work on multiple occasions when she came to work with them. If your manager doesn't work, why should you?

Listen man, I am truly sorry you didn't make the cut. I really am. But trashing Peg on CP is poor style.
Peg hired, for this Zogenix job in Colorado, two former reps, both President's club winners. For one territory, she hired a stellar rep from somewhere else.
I'll give the initials of her President's club reps, followed by others who were glad to have spent time as a part of her team: LM, SB, RJ, BP, DH, DH, DL. Others: MJ, BH, BM, RB, DS, TS, JK, AS and a few others that were after my time.
My advice to you? Let it go. Persist, and I will persist.

Heard the Atlanta DM is questionable. Whats the verdict on him? Heard he had no pain experience and whoever the hiring manager is really missed the mark on hiring him.

Yeah, not the brightest light in the room. The positives: He doesn't have a clue what the pain industry is or how it works so he is easy to manipulate... Zero experience and given a dm job 1000 other people in the south were more qualified for. The bad: Read the good!.. KB will stand for Krash and Burn.... Did I mention he owned his own company once?! :)

Ask Peg - who was it that caused the Feds to raid Endo at a business meeting because of off-label selling???

Do you mean 8 years ago? Perhaps it was someone who got fired for off label promotion like AW or NM. Everyone who was at Endo at the time of the meeting was interviewed by corporate attorneys and investigated. EVERYONE. Those guilty were fired. Was Peg fired for that? Was she even reprimanded?

I don't know who you are or what your problem is with her, but you really should seek professional help for your unhealthy obsession.

Ask Peg - who was it that caused the Feds to raid Endo at a business meeting because of off-label selling???

I remember that. nancy bensinger got cornered in a room with a couple of federal bullies who tried to intimidate her. they picked the wrong gal. nancy was and is tough as nails.
i have no idea what this dip$hit is implying, nancy was in dave gentry's district and peg had zero to do with it.
what a stupid thread this is!

Listen man, I am truly sorry you didn't make the cut. I really am. But trashing Peg on CP is poor style.
Peg hired, for this Zogenix job in Colorado, two former reps, both President's club winners. For one territory, she hired a stellar rep from somewhere else.
I'll give the initials of her President's club reps, followed by others who were glad to have spent time as a part of her team: LM, SB, RJ, BP, DH, DH, DL. Others: MJ, BH, BM, RB, DS, TS, JK, AS and a few others that were after my time.
My advice to you? Let it go. Persist, and I will persist.

Although my comment has nothing to do with this thread, I have to ask the poster of this thread if he or she ever paid attention in the required general education college writing courses. You write like a fifth grade student!

KB isn't where he is by accident. He's extremely talented and resourceful. I've seen reps reap great rewards from his ability to lead and coach.

Thanks KB, we didn't know that about you! "I've seen reps reap great rewards from his ability to lead and coach?" That's got to be the corniest line I've ever read!... Can you be anymore vague?

Although my comment has nothing to do with this thread, I have to ask the poster of this thread if he or she ever paid attention in the required general education college writing courses. You write like a fifth grade student!

I accept your grade, but only if you qualify it.
Writing is about 'voice'. You have it, or you don't. I am not an editor or a proofreader, those guys know all the proper usage and punctuation and sentence formation… all important stuff. but if they cannot write and project 'voice', then they are mere editors of the thoughts of other.

Although my comment has nothing to do with this thread, I have to ask the poster of this thread if he or she ever paid attention in the required general education college writing courses. You write like a fifth grade student!

and, to add to my earlier post, GFY! a fifth grade student? at which school?
are there actual 'general ed. college requirements' for writing anymore? only with regard to political-correct observations, i would guess.
look, my educated and so-skilled-at-writing friend, I am glad you are skilled and i appreciate your love for the form and structure of the written word. you're right, i never learned it to the degree of guys like my brother, who worked as an editor.
part of being good at the 'voice' part of writing, is knowing how to critique and how to insult, without going 'over the top'. clearly, you don't get that part.

I always have to laugh at these "grammar police" people on these boards. Seriously, who cares about grammar here? You are here for rumors, or to vent, or to even find information (believe it, or not). No one other than you, officer, cares if there is a misspelled word or punctuation mistake. We don't come here for college credits. Now go type your reply and use your word check or spell check (that we all know you do), and then yell at someone for a misspelled word that no one cares about but you!