One name comes to mind, and one division of S&N.
Can't say the name because I work for this person and this division.
I have a feeling this persons name is known, and in which division this person is in.
Dont you have anything better to do with your life than talk about how the division that you are part of is the worst. Maybe put that energy into trying to make it better.
Dont you have anything better to do with your life than talk about how the division that you are part of is the worst. Maybe put that energy into trying to make it better.
One name comes to mind, and one division of S&N.
Can't say the name because I work for this person and this division.
I have a feeling this persons name is known, and in which division this person is in.
The list is too long to take the time to type out. Ortho Recon and Clinical Therapies house most of these.
You should make it better DM, and resign.
The shorter list would be: Name a good DM.
The shorter list would be: Name a good DM.
Nak. BEST DM in this sorry company.
Nak. BEST DM in this sorry company.
One name comes to mind, and one division of S&N.
Can't say the name because I work for this person and this division.
I have a feeling this persons name is known, and in which division this person is in.
Could be any division. Ours has one as well. Many are giving it unitl the end of the year. If something isn't done many of us are out
Job's seem to be coming open and people can only put up with so much. We are trampled on treated with disrespect, put up with BS, and there isn't any need for it.
Sorry, the worst is WM. Can we see a post of the DM ranking for 2010 vs 2009. I think we will get a very clear answer. Who went on the PC trip in 2009, and what are the rankings for 2010? Shocking answer, I would believe!
Nominations please????