Worst Company Ever......

Just be glad you work here instead of Pacira or Cumberland. Those CP people only sell about 5M per year on Caldolor. We bring in 275M per year. Pacira is going different direction. Be thankful you have this job utilizing a superior multimodal option.

So agree!
You guys are reps. It's not As though you have a real job, like the people you call on in the hospital. You are 6 figure caterers. Doesn't matter what drug or therapeutic category. It's not like you are working on quantum theory. Your job is figuring out ff you should order for 20 or 25 people.

You guys are reps. It's not As though you have a real job, like the people you call on in the hospital. You are 6 figure caterers. Doesn't matter what drug or therapeutic category. It's not like you are working on quantum theory. Your job is figuring out ff you should order for 20 or 25 people.

Oh give it up! Seriously! Who the hell are you? You are a complete idiot and you need to go get a life. Everyone is tired of your moronic comments. GO AWAY. No one has time for this.

Oh give it up! Seriously! Who the hell are you? You are a complete idiot and you need to go get a life. Everyone is tired of your moronic comments. GO AWAY. No one has time for this.
That's funny. Another rep that puts themselves on a pedestal, thinking the job they do really means anything. You don't have time for this? Funny WTF are you on CP reading posts. Looks like you have plenty of time. Got your lunch set for tomorrow? Don't forget the food for vegetarians and kosher people.
It's time to face reality. Your job is nothing but a charade. Sad but true. :/

That's funny. Another rep that puts themselves on a pedestal, thinking the job they do really means anything. You don't have time for this? Funny WTF are you on CP reading posts. Looks like you have plenty of time. Got your lunch set for tomorrow? Don't forget the food for vegetarians and kosher people.
It's time to face reality. Your job is nothing but a charade. Sad but true. :/

That's yourself looking in the mirror. The truth is that the majority agrees with the other poster, except for yourself. We tire of very immature people like yourself that leave such childish posts. Most normal people utilize this site to get information not to tear someone else down. I agree that no one wants to waste anytime reading your immature and completely useless posts. You're just part of the problem. If YOU feel that way about YOUR job and feel you have no purpose then it is up to you to make a change. You really do sound like a fool who is completely lacking direction in their life. It's time you face reality. The fact is there will always be a need for salespeople and many feel they have a purpose. Instead of bringing someone else down, just work on yourself. Your posts have absolutely no purpose other than to try and make other people feel bad. Feel better?

That's yourself looking in the mirror. The truth is that the majority agrees with the other poster, except for yourself. We tire of very immature people like yourself that leave such childish posts. Most normal people utilize this site to get information not to tear someone else down. I agree that no one wants to waste anytime reading your immature and completely useless posts. You're just part of the problem. If YOU feel that way about YOUR job and feel you have no purpose then it is up to you to make a change. You really do sound like a fool who is completely lacking direction in their life. It's time you face reality. The fact is there will always be a need for salespeople and many feel they have a purpose. Instead of bringing someone else down, just work on yourself. Your posts have absolutely no purpose other than to try and make other people feel bad. Feel better?
I feel better. Especially after reading your stupid but humorous post. Yep, another person with self imposed importance.
Reinforces everyone thoughts of you and your kind. We have a real job that really do change people's lives.
If you come to this site to get information that's worth anything, you Are extremely stupid. You SHOULD Be IN That job. It definitely suits you.

I feel better. Especially after reading your stupid but humorous post. Yep, another person with self imposed importance.
Reinforces everyone thoughts of you and your kind. We have a real job that really do change people's lives.
If you come to this site to get information that's worth anything, you Are extremely stupid. You SHOULD Be IN That job. It definitely suits you.
Lol this is one hell of a douchebag. Get a life dude. For real.

Take all the money that Mallinckrodt gives you now. They will not continue to lose over 100 million on your Ofirmev or as we know it APAP water with no studies vs. PO or up the bottom. IDNs hate you all and your water. Just make sure you stock it away. Tough to find job when you are let go and you have no numbers of performance to show growth. GOOD LUCK.....

Take all the money that Mallinckrodt gives you now. They will not continue to lose over 100 million on your Ofirmev or as we know it APAP water with no studies vs. PO or up the bottom. IDNs hate you all and your water. Just make sure you stock it away. Tough to find job when you are let go and you have no numbers of performance to show growth. GOOD LUCK.....
Good numbers? Big deal. I agree the company as a whole sucks, and who knows what's going to happen to HSS.
But I had bad numbers from last job.
I just spent a few hours making up fake spreadsheets, and ranking reports for this job. They can't verify that type of data.
I'll always have good numbers in my book.
I'll even have top awards certificates, and positive field ride reports all crafted.
That is how you play pharma.

Good numbers? Big deal. I agree the company as a whole sucks, and who knows what's going to happen to HSS.
But I had bad numbers from last job.
I just spent a few hours making up fake spreadsheets, and ranking reports for this job. They can't verify that type of data.
I'll always have good numbers in my book.
I'll even have top awards certificates, and positive field ride reports all crafted.
That is how you play pharma.

And that's why you have to look for a new job every1-2 years. Wow you are the bottom of the bottom. If you took the time it takes you to make up reports and field ride notes and actually did some work there's a chance you might be successful. The charade will only last do long. Hey you can always sell used cars. Lol

And that's why you have to look for a new job every1-2 years. Wow you are the bottom of the bottom. If you took the time it takes you to make up reports and field ride notes and actually did some work there's a chance you might be successful. The charade will only last do long. Hey you can always sell used cars. Lol
That's too hard. No thanks.
I'll pass on that advice.

Take all the money that Mallinckrodt gives you now. They will not continue to lose over 100 million on your Ofirmev or as we know it APAP water with no studies vs. PO or up the bottom. IDNs hate you all and your water. Just make sure you stock it away. Tough to find job when you are let go and you have no numbers of performance to show growth. GOOD LUCK.....

I'm not understanding where this hostility is coming from? You and the other ass. Do you know a lot of Mallinckrodt reps personally or something? Wha pt the fuck did any of the reps do to you to send such trash messages and wishes of bad luck falling on them???? I just don't get it. Why don't you or the other weirdo fill us all in please? I'm a good person and haven't done crap to anyone other than trying to provide for my family. The last thing I ever do is wish unhappiness and I'll fortune on other people. I'm just amazed. I think this is the weirdest thing I have ever experienced in my life.
Yes, we get it.........this company sucks!
Yes, we get it..........find a new job. Well a new job takes time!
We get it all!!!! I would appreciate knowing why you get pleasure out of trash talking people? Please fill us all in! I have no beef with anyone and just trying to support my kids and do my damn job until I can find something else. If you have a beef with someone, it has to be with the higher-ups because the reps have no control over anything. And for the other guy trashing reps for the job they do...... If your not a rep, then what the hell do you do for a living? And why the hell are you wasting time on here if you aren't a rep??? So strange and weird! Do us all a favor and trash people like MT. Those are the real ones responsible.

I'm not understanding where this hostility is coming from? You and the other ass. Do you know a lot of Mallinckrodt reps personally or something? Wha pt the fuck did any of the reps do to you to send such trash messages and wishes of bad luck falling on them???? I just don't get it. Why don't you or the other weirdo fill us all in please? I'm a good person and haven't done crap to anyone other than trying to provide for my family. The last thing I ever do is wish unhappiness and I'll fortune on other people. I'm just amazed. I think this is the weirdest thing I have ever experienced in my life.
Yes, we get it.........this company sucks!
Yes, we get it..........find a new job. Well a new job takes time!
We get it all!!!! I would appreciate knowing why you get pleasure out of trash talking people? Please fill us all in! I have no beef with anyone and just trying to support my kids and do my damn job until I can find something else. If you have a beef with someone, it has to be with the higher-ups because the reps have no control over anything. And for the other guy trashing reps for the job they do...... If your not a rep, then what the hell do you do for a living? And why the hell are you wasting time on here if you aren't a rep??? So strange and weird! Do us all a favor and trash people like MT. Those are the real ones responsible.
Sounds like we should sit around a campfire with you singing cumbayah

I think this is great. I wish I had this advice before I joined this shit hole.....getting the word out to others is the key. I joined and now I am stuck. When you interview they do not tell you this is a bad place to work, we sell products that have little data, all the hospitals hate us and we only care about share holder wealth. We need to get the truth out there and try to help folks to make the right choice.

I think this is great. I wish I had this advice before I joined this shit hole.....getting the word out to others is the key. I joined and now I am stuck. When you interview they do not tell you this is a bad place to work, we sell products that have little data, all the hospitals hate us and we only care about share holder wealth. We need to get the truth out there and try to help folks to make the right choice.

Ummm truth yes. Putting down those that are here. NO