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Worst CEO 2010


I agree 100% with Cramer. This arrogant SOB has been a disaster and should be fired. He has done nothing for J&J the past 8 years except collect this 20 million + salary.
This SOB has runined many hard working J&J workers lives along with their familes, and for what ??? So J&J's stock price will meet or exceed wall streets expectations. You can't keep cutting workers BillyBoy you need to produce products. I think everyone knows how you are meeting your numbers these days..
You are a joke and deserve whatever comes your way. I just hope it comes sooner rather than later..Enough layoffs, enough with the Credo..
Everyone knows that the Credo is a crock of crap... !! It means nothing to employees.

I don't understand why you feel the credo is a crock of crap when the scores are so much higher than before.

Oh puhleez! The reduced J&J employee population is heavily stacked with butt-kissing back-stabbers, that's why any of the scores may be higher. Send the survey to the people who lost their jobs and see what scores come out.

Do you really think the Credo survey results are presented unbiased? I have seen the raw numbers and stats, and then saw what was delivered to the general workers. Totally ignored the pitiful areas. Pure spin.

At the GDS meeting, Mike H stated that they changed the way they calculated the results of the Credo Survey this year, and said "we have to trust" that the people who made that decision know what they are doing; to which I say: A) no joke Mike, as if we really believed that the scores went up unless someone changed the way they calculated the results to make them look more favorable; and B) Trust??? Are you kidding me???

At the GDS meeting, Mike H stated that they changed the way they calculated the results of the Credo Survey this year, and said "we have to trust" that the people who made that decision know what they are doing; to which I say: A) no joke Mike, as if we really believed that the scores went up unless someone changed the way they calculated the results to make them look more favorable; and B) Trust??? Are you kidding me???

Sounds like they "marked it on a curve" to give more favorable results.

At the GDS meeting, Mike H stated that they changed the way they calculated the results of the Credo Survey this year, and said "we have to trust" that the people who made that decision know what they are doing; to which I say: A) no joke Mike, as if we really believed that the scores went up unless someone changed the way they calculated the results to make them look more favorable; and B) Trust??? Are you kidding me???

Then after the detailed Q&A results get to MH, they water and filter them down some more so that by the time they get to us, we get a totally different picture.

When I heard some of the responses I thought there must be something wrong with me if the majority of people are answering this way.

If you look at the exact questions and the actual numbers/percentages of the way they are answered, the topic gets very fuzzy after they translate and rephrase it to a bullet on a slide. Many times they will take several questions or a section and merge them into one statement to say this or that is up. Averaging, leaving out very negative anomalies, re-wording, have the ability to make anything look cheery.

And the worst CIO of the decade: Laverne ouncil. The reasons she keeps failin and failing and failing time after time:
- her toxic character. never heard anybodyas egotistic, blindlyarrogant and mailiciously belittlibg others
- hasn't got a clue about the business (nor about the people in the business)
- has zero people management skills
- utterly lacks respect for the Credo (apart from paying it the usual lip-service)
- manipulates, massages,distorts, filters and spins data to supposedly show progress
- hasn't gota clue about innovation beyond organizing a site renaming contest for some morons who think that will make any difference
- etc. Fill in the blanks...

Cramer couldn't take Weldon's incompetence any longer so he is now on Mad Money's
"Wall of Shame". Cramer asked that the board remove him for ruining a great company.
With over 20 recalls since 09 his time has passed.

What's taking so long Board of Directors???????

Bill Weldon is an absolute DISGRACE to Johnson & Johnson. If any of the BODs read this, I hope one of them has the guts to do something about it. Has J&J EVER had such a horrible leader? I was with them for 30 years and cannot remember anyone being as disgraceful and harmful to J&J as Weldon.

I think we can read between the lines of the re-org making Alex Gorsky and Sheri McCoy "Vice Chairmen." The wheels have been set in motion for a transition and Bill's exit. The question is... will J&J have its first female CEO???

I think we can read between the lines of the re-org making Alex Gorsky and Sheri McCoy "Vice Chairmen." The wheels have been set in motion for a transition and Bill's exit. The question is... will J&J have its first female CEO???

Are you confident either one of them will rescue J&J from the pit BW and his management team have put us in?

And the worst CIO of the decade: Laverne ouncil. The reasons she keeps failin and failing and failing time after time:
- her toxic character. never heard anybodyas egotistic, blindlyarrogant and mailiciously belittlibg others
- hasn't got a clue about the business (nor about the people in the business)
- has zero people management skills
- utterly lacks respect for the Credo (apart from paying it the usual lip-service)
- manipulates, massages,distorts, filters and spins data to supposedly show progress
- hasn't gota clue about innovation beyond organizing a site renaming contest for some morons who think that will make any difference
- etc. Fill in the blanks...

Maybe if she had better people to work with instead of whiners like you she would succeed more often. What a cry baby loser you sound like.