If this post is true and the Austin DM is MS, you need to prepare yourself to move somewhere else....no joke you better start your backup plan b/c he'll wreck your career, he's that BAD.watch out for this guy, he's a MAJOR league loser!!!!
Go Willie!!!
Your'e an idiot Sav
How about the managers that report their reps to compliance? Don't you idiots realize after that we work 10-1. Instead of 10-2
Not Clarita k, huh?
Who in Indiana?Who are we speaking about?
Who in Indiana?
Who in Indiana?
How about the managers that report their reps to compliance? Don't you idiots realize after that we work 10-1. Instead of 10-2
Gen Med DM is so arrogant, not sure how he fits his head through doors. Just ask him, he's the best. The CV DMs have been awful. 2 down, now looking for a 3rd CV DM.
Between Indiana's mr. Ego and Grand Rapids Excel spreadsheet champion, no wonder the midwest is always sucking.
Yes, Indiana INBU mgr. = Ego
Yes, Indiana INBU mgr. = Ego
Not hot!
No. not hot at all
You're crazy, my baby got back!