I'm with the Mattress Police. There are no tags on these mattresses
I think that's the guy out of Lexington. He kept taking his team into a service elevator to talk about objections or something. That team lives in fear. He's got issues from what Novartis reps say in the other district. ready to implode at all times.
Amgen micromanages more than any other company out there--pharma or biotech. These 2 day field rides are absurd. Managers are going to the same offices with reps, and the Dr.'s are over it. Once a quarter these managers should be checking in with reps. They need more than 7 or 8 reps-should double the # that report to them. They are not worthwhile in the field, and the coaching is so lame. This company continues to push people out--low pay raises--not keeping up with inflation, low bonuses, more and more micromanagement , fear tactics and toxicity.
MM in mid Atlantic has no business being a manager
MM on Amovig OMG
MM is a nightmare boss
Which manager covers Pittsburgh?Is he that Nubu mgr? MB in NUBU-DSM somewhere midwest is super intense and full of hot air. Maybe they came from the same place.
Which manager covers Pittsburgh?
Please vote now.