Worst Acumed Distributor?

I don't think this is Jim Devine, I know it is. Get a life man, keep doing your crappy job & all your negative acts will catch up. You suck as a manager, person, & probably as a father! If it is your kid!

A great poet once said "Man...Can't we All Get Along"

I happen to like Jim and I will educate you on another quote from another great poet who I met in a pet store in New Orleans.

He said "Take your snow shoveling ass back north you dumb yankee"

If you like Jim Devine then you've never worked with him. He believes he knows all & is Gods gift to trauma sales. I still work for an Acumed distributor in his region & all I want to do is keep him out of my territory. He was suppost to work with me for a day & a half, I lined up all kinds of meetings with surgeons. He came for one meeting, pissed the Dr. Off & gave a lame excuse that he had to leave. What a jackass!!!! Stick your poet up your ....!!!!

Totally agree about Jim Devine. I worked with him as well & experienced something very similar. Acumed needs to know so that hopefully he will get canned!!!! We need a regional manager that will help us sell & make money. Not this no it all that doesn't really know it at all.

Totally agree. But this idiot insisted to my distributor that he should be involved so I had no say so. Jim Devine screwed it all up & the surgeon won't see me at all any more. Jim Devine is in way over his head!!!!

Acumed needs to know when he screws up calls but I'm sure he blames eveybody else!

Wow that's a real stinger. Hey Jim enjoy your short term life in this industry with soooo many people hating on your sad attempt of being a regional manager. Give me a few minutes before you come up with your next response. Still trying to recover from this last post.

Who can make the final say on getting rid of JR? Seems like this guy plays a root cause to all the sales problems. I don’t just mean sales performance, I mean by the negativity and toxic work environment

How do all of you know the JR is root cause of the problems? Any fault being given to CJ? Think about that.

Yeah... I have worked in in the Indy area. I would say that's crap as well. Acumed is strong in that territory. Maybe one of the strongest within the company

I agree! He was in the top 3 in sales per person in the country; runs one of the most professional organizations in the country, recruiting top people and not losing them.