I would like my manager more if they were a transgender person of color.
anonymous Guest anonymous   Apr 05, 2023 at 06:06: PM #21 anonymous Guest I would like my manager more if they were a transgender person of color.
Alnylam HR Executive Guest Alnylam HR Executive   Apr 18, 2023 at 10:20: AM #22 Alnylam HR Executive Guest anonymous said: I would like my manager more if they were a transgender person of color. Click to expand... Yes! 100 times YES! Please submit any resume matching criteria mentioned above. We will force out someone to make room for a social justice achiever! #AlnylamStrong
anonymous said: I would like my manager more if they were a transgender person of color. Click to expand... Yes! 100 times YES! Please submit any resume matching criteria mentioned above. We will force out someone to make room for a social justice achiever! #AlnylamStrong