Working in America has become a total nightmare...

Pharma is alive and well... its just that the pharm Rep job is shrinking faster than the polar ice cap....go work with another smaller med/pharm/health care company...if that's not for you , then all you can do is shut up and hang on.

Pharma is alive and well... its just that the pharm Rep job is shrinking faster than the polar ice cap....go work with another smaller med/pharm/health care company...if that's not for you , then all you can do is shut up and hang on.
Please don't hang on, leave and let the talented reps prosper. Besides, you will only be contract anyhow.

Pharma is alive and well... its just that the pharm Rep job is shrinking faster than the polar ice cap....go work with another smaller med/pharm/health care company...if that's not for you , then all you can do is shut up and hang on.

The rep job has outlived it's usefulness. Fuller brush sales in an Amazon world. Like someone said, what kind of job is it when no one notices if you don't show up for work?

The rep job has outlived it's usefulness. Fuller brush sales in an Amazon world. Like someone said, what kind of job is it when no one notices if you don't show up for work?
Oh! We have noticed that the majority of you delislinger don't show up for work. Why do you think we are converting to contract low cost totally expendable reps.

Bingo! It's only taken about 10 years for the news to filter up to the corporate honchos that reps are getting paid big salaries and have huge expenses to a) deliver samples b) deliver food c) deliver a 15 second message if lucky...gee Mr. MBA says its costing us six figures for each one of those reps? Let's Uber this and just find an app and some contractors to do that.

Bingo! It's only taken about 10 years for the news to filter up to the corporate honchos that reps are getting paid big salaries and have huge expenses to a) deliver samples b) deliver food c) deliver a 15 second message if lucky...gee Mr. MBA says its costing us six figures for each one of those reps? Let's Uber this and just find an app and some contractors to do that.

Yeah but Ricky has a degree you don't scumbag

Working in America is not the problem. The problem is working at Merck! We all know plenty of colleagues who have joined other organizations that are better managed and they're HAPPY. They tell us that Merck wants us to think that it's this bad everywhere but that's not true. The bottom line is that you should just leave Merck instead of whining.