Working at Gilead

RDs so ridiculous, inept, and morally bankrupt in CV. even CVT'ers had more ethics than these goons. feel like i'm selling snake oil....first they tell me to focus on diastolic dysfunction and we're doing a big study; then it's an antiarrhythmic; whoops! now we're focusing on diabetes....what next????? keep wondering to myself if this drug should be marketed as an anxiolytic instead of antianginal? data really sucks.doesnt save my life, doesnt prolong my life, ETT not really different from other antianginal ETT improvements, tablet is so freakin huge i can barely swallow, and it drains my piggy bank....wait, why would i want to take this again??? hmmmm...maybe thats why we're jm's spin on that: "no attrition in sales"....

As you can see, one group within Gilead seems to be bitter. This should allow a good salesperson with a good attitude to have immediate success, considering the mediocrity in this division. The other divisions are great. Smart people who work hard and are rewarded handsomely. Don't let these malcontents with their little brother syndrome affect your decision. Good luck.

From the outside looking in it looks like a great company, but it is ran like big pharma with a lot of fear tactics. Regardless of how well you do, the company is very clickish. If you are one of the favorites nothing will happen to you. But if you are not, watch out because they will find a way to get rid of you. Some of the best reps, former Presidents Club winners are no longer here because of ridiculous goals that put them in the bottom 20%. If you are ever put on a "pip" just start looking and don't bother working anymore, because even if you do well during that period, they will ultimately let you go, trust me, I know.

Also, most of the managers are "climbers" looking out for number one and don't really care about you as an individual. I have to agree that on the CP side, the goals are too high. They only do a two quarter look back and base your goals on that, instead of a one year look back, so keep that in mind especially when the patients hit the donut hole and you're expected to grow your business!

This post should've been signed: from a former employee (fired) who couldn't produce

wait a minute. no one gets fired for not producing. people get fired for anything and everything but never for not producing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in fact, if you do produce, you are totally screwed. Losers are what is loved here and especially in CV!

wait a minute. no one gets fired for not producing. people get fired for anything and everything but never for not producing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in fact, if you do produce, you are totally screwed. Losers are what is loved here and especially in CV!

If the CV division quit using CF as a place to cry the website would have to shut down. I'm in IHD and I actually like it here. Quit whining and go sell something. I'll wave to you from the stage beeyatches.

If the CV division quit using CF as a place to cry the website would have to shut down. I'm in IHD and I actually like it here. Quit whining and go sell something. I'll wave to you from the stage beeyatches.

So, get off CP and let the conversation going, you Ass clown. You're such a winner, I m winning prez too or an I?

Can someone give me an honest answer about what it is like working at Gilead? A friend approached me about an open position and told me how good the products are, great money, etc. I left pharma a few years ago for a medical disposable position and haven't really looked back. My friend said great things about the company, money, etc. I'm not looking to go back to working for a typical pharma company, where I have a manager with me every two weeks and where meetings are filled with roll plays of a message the company crafted for me. Are you able to run your "business" like you want to? Salary range? Thanks in advance for your feedback.

How did it go?

Base salary

Have interview for HIV division. Have 2 years specialty pharma experience and 2 years good B2B sales experience. What kind of base salary and bonus can I expect if I'm offered a position? Real answers only please.

This is a serious response. The last thing HIV division wants is someone whose primary concern is (I base this on the only question you asked here) with base/bonus. Interview, get an offer, accept and your answer will be there for you. You would be very lucky to land this job - please take that as advice.

can someone answer these questions for HIV positions?

1- when is start date
2- base range
3- how long is training off-site and where
4- counterparts involved
5- any gps trackers
6- laptops used
7- territories big or small
8- cars or car allowance
9- culture bigpharma or not
10- many meetings per year or 1 nsm

These questions may not be important to most but questions are important to me and such can't be asked to DM sometimes. Thanks for realistic honest answers.

can someone answer these questions for HIV positions?

1- when is start date
2- base range
3- how long is training off-site and where
4- counterparts involved
5- any gps trackers
6- laptops used
7- territories big or small
8- cars or car allowance
9- culture bigpharma or not
10- many meetings per year or 1 nsm

These questions may not be important to most but questions are important to me and such can't be asked to DM sometimes. Thanks for realistic honest answers.

The major challenge is none of the above. The quota is a moving target and you need to know HIV treats patients generally in the dangerous sections of cities.

can someone answer these questions for HIV positions?

1- when is start date
2- base range
3- how long is training off-site and where
4- counterparts involved
5- any gps trackers
6- laptops used
7- territories big or small
8- cars or car allowance
9- culture bigpharma or not
10- many meetings per year or 1 nsm

These questions may not be important to most but questions are important to me and such can't be asked to DM sometimes. Thanks for realistic honest answers.

Omg.. You are nuts... Keep your current job. We don't want you.

If you are interested and motivated, you will interview, sell yourself and find out. Otherwise, go back to selling copiers or working for pfizer