Everyone, please ignore the childish loser above...
I agree that Merck is trying to give us full time re sponsibilities with part time pay. I am fine traveling across country for a meeting but please compensate me for it!!! I have young children and will need to hire round the clock help for the days i am gone. I get that this goes with the territory for salaried employees. We are hourly. In CA reps have a time sheet they have to turn in every week, if they go over 8 hours they are supposed to get overtime. I wonder if those reps will get a timesheet to fill out for travel time, overnight time, etc? That would be fair and make sense.Touchpoint needs to pay us extra for this meeting!! They have taken enough of my free time already!! This is evolving into full time. The morale is very low!!
You are lucky you get paid for what you do. You sample drop. If you don't like the job, find another. Oh, but you will not find one that pays as well as you are making! You are an A--hole who doesn't appreciate what you have during this tough time in our economy!
Start searching for other jobs and see if you think you qualify!
You are not owed anything! If you want a timesheet, than get paid an hourly wage!
Get a life!