Work Environment

From the Quest site some advice for former employees of the CSI empire???

Good for you. It is none of their business where you go. Large Companies think they own you. Do not tell anyone. Many people will turn on you, who you thought were your friends after you leave. Never and I mean never give a company any personal information about you. If you buy a house or a car, keep it to yourself. They will think you are stuck and in-debt, which they will use against you. After 20 years, I have seen this time and time again. Keep your work at work and you personal home life completely separate.

The best news for you is you are out and free from Quest.

Wonder how long HC's noncompete clause lasts? If the negative posters are right, you'd think they want to turn her loose to wreck another company right? I mean, what secure information does she have---which leg RG sticks in first??