Words, words, words...

Since July 2017, we have new CIO. Many words but nothing done!

KT was a bust at Baxter, they kicked her out - she went to Walmart and got fired; she 'consulted on her own' for a few months until she conned GSK into hiring her; no US based CIO roles were available to her, so she crossed the pond, and will soon sink in it

KT was a bust at Baxter, they kicked her out - she went to Walmart and got fired; she 'consulted on her own' for a few months until she conned GSK into hiring her; no US based CIO roles were available to her, so she crossed the pond, and will soon sink in it

I watched her train wreck at baxter - what a useless stuffed shirt - she can talk up a storm, though

KT was a bust at Baxter, they kicked her out - she went to Walmart and got fired; she 'consulted on her own' for a few months until she conned GSK into hiring her; no US based CIO roles were available to her, so she crossed the pond, and will soon sink in it

Whoa! Watch out - KT is in power - arrogant, wordy, blows hot air, and does nothing. She is bouncing around from one CIO role to another, leaving a wreck behind each time. Once her uselessness is discovered, companies exit her smoothly for the next sucker to hire her.

After 4 years, what KT has done… nothing. Compared to the previous CIO who delivers a global ERP, a global Veeva, a global Workday and a reduction of 2000 apps, she is miserable.

After 4 years, what KT has done… nothing. Compared to the previous CIO who delivers a global ERP, a global Veeva, a global Workday and a reduction of 2000 apps, she is miserable.

Are you trying to generate some nostalgia for LeBeau?? Nice try. Go make a pot of spaghetteeez if you miss him that much.