Woketronic wake up call

The best person for the job IS being chosen and you have no idea what you’re talking about. No one is paid to hire diversity tokens. You act as though you have this all reaching insider understanding of every single hire. You don’t. It’s plain as day that you’re a bitter washed up white guy complaining.

Apparently you missed the post/reply immediately above yours. This person literally said they are being told they HAVE TO HIRE a certain way in order to meet goals. Learn how to read.

"I am neither white nor am I a dude and I’m crying foul. I’m told I have to meet a specific quota of diverse hires for any open headcount in order to meet my goals. I’m all about females in STEM and all the rest but if I’m interviewing and the more qualified individual happens to be male or white I have to decide between making the best decision or meeting my quota. Sad world."

This entire wokeness thing at MDT is so true.

I made it to the last interview with MDT for a sales position. I'm a white male, with tenured experience over 10 years, calling on urologists and urogynecologists. Outstanding relationships, and unknown to me at the time, the top implanting doctor (a female) in a major metropolitan market recommended me to the company for the position. I also had a CEO of a medical device company, and three other big implanters recommend me via letter to the hiring manager.

The hiring manager ghosted me after that last interview, to hire a female with less than 3 years experience in sales, and virtually no relationships in the space. Does that prove anything? Not necessarily. Is it extremely suspect? Yes.

This entire wokeness thing at MDT is so true.

I made it to the last interview with MDT for a sales position. I'm a white male, with tenured experience over 10 years, calling on urologists and urogynecologists. Outstanding relationships, and unknown to me at the time, the top implanting doctor (a female) in a major metropolitan market recommended me to the company for the position. I also had a CEO of a medical device company, and three other big implanters recommend me via letter to the hiring manager.

The hiring manager ghosted me after that last interview, to hire a female with less than 3 years experience in sales, and virtually no relationships in the space. Does that prove anything? Not necessarily. Is it extremely suspect? Yes.

Over-qualified and don't fit the mold of someone they can groom and brainwash. You got lucky, it would have been a step back for you.

This entire wokeness thing at MDT is so true.

I made it to the last interview with MDT for a sales position. I'm a white male, with tenured experience over 10 years, calling on urologists and urogynecologists. Outstanding relationships, and unknown to me at the time, the top implanting doctor (a female) in a major metropolitan market recommended me to the company for the position. I also had a CEO of a medical device company, and three other big implanters recommend me via letter to the hiring manager.

The hiring manager ghosted me after that last interview, to hire a female with less than 3 years experience in sales, and virtually no relationships in the space. Does that prove anything? Not necessarily. Is it extremely suspect? Yes.

I’m a non-white female and have similar experience to you (not in uro) and have had the highest volume surgeon write letters for me. I didn’t get the job several times because it went to a guy 2 years out of college with copier sales experience. His dad also was buddies with a VP. This crap happens all the time. Get over it.

I’m just so sick of Race being shoved down our throats on a daily basis. It never used to be like this. When did race become a determinant for everything in society?

Being white has always been the determinant to getting a prized sales job. When I didn’t get the job (despite clearly being most qualified), I was told it was a likability “issue” and the job went to the white guy with little experience who’s daddy had connections. This has been going on for years.

Being white has always been the determinant to getting a prized sales job. When I didn’t get the job (despite clearly being most qualified), I was told it was a likability “issue” and the job went to the white guy with little experience who’s daddy had connections. This has been going on for years.

Thanks for shining light on this. It’s only now that the script is being flipped on white guys that the outrage erupts.

As my Grandma used to say “to many ingredients in the soup makes for a foul tasting meal”. When you have to big a melting pot we become tribal(liked Afghanistan and most of the African continent and look how well it has served them). Common ground becomes impossible, true collaboration and understanding gone. We are human we naturally move towards people that are like us it is wiring folks. The forced social engineering in USA moving us to over the top diversity (hell a young kid today watches commercials and will quickly think that dating within his/her own race is wrong) will only further divide and weaken a great nation. While we worry about pronouns, China and Russia worry about world dominance. We are truly a silly people to quote Bill Maher.

Your points are valid. They are also much more existential than what I was going for.

Anyone who thinks MDT hires on merit and that managers do not have specific diversity goals tied to their bonuses is ill informed at best and ignorant at worst.

I wonder why there is a “quota” needed in the 1st place. Is it the same reason 108 out of 115 SC Justices are Yt boys?

The idea of quotas creates artificial distinctions that divide us. I have never seen a person who was actually white, black, red, or yellow. We are all shades of brown. This whole quota thing is accentuating differences, separating us into camps that are then pitted against each other. We are regressing toward division rather than moving forward toward unity. The more we try to segment groups and throttle them to receive no more than what we perceive as their fair share, the more momentum we will lose toward our ultimate mission - to alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life.

The idea of quotas creates artificial distinctions that divide us. I have never seen a person who was actually white, black, red, or yellow. We are all shades of brown. This whole quota thing is accentuating differences, separating us into camps that are then pitted against each other. We are regressing toward division rather than moving forward toward unity. The more we try to segment groups and throttle them to receive no more than what we perceive as their fair share, the more momentum we will lose toward our ultimate mission - to alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life.

Really? You’ve never seen a person? Read the US Constitution 3/5’s and Jim Crow and Red Lining and Tulsa Wall Street.

Really? You’ve never seen a person? Read the US Constitution 3/5’s and Jim Crow and Red Lining and Tulsa Wall Street.

I agree, all these things you mention are racist. They were wrong then and anything like them is still wrong now. However, at Medtronic we are drawing those lines again, just in different places, separating people into categories, some to be favored and some to be suppressed based solely on a characteristic they had no control over - their skin color. It is fostering an "us versus them" mentality where blacks and whites view each other with suspicion.

But I say we should be moving in a direction where we do not lump each other into large classes such as black or white or any other color. Rather, we should view each other as members of one human race with skin tones on a continuum from dark brown to light tan. In other words, what counts is character and experience. Is there work to do to combat racism? Absolutely. And we should start by resisting our tendency to lump people into general classes based solely on their skin color. These arbitrary categories do not help create unity among the employees.

Instead of focusing on meeting certain race quotas, I believe we should focus on meeting the needs of our customers and patients. For example, consider Ukraine and Zelensky. Ukraine has its share of racism and problems, just like other countries. But they have a love of freedom that they have rallied around, and they are accomplishing what almost everyone thought was impossible. The differences between people tend to get set aside when there is a clear mission to work towards. Without an emphasis on that mission, divisions and infighting tend to crop up.

I agree, all these things you mention are racist. They were wrong then and anything like them is still wrong now. However, at Medtronic we are drawing those lines again, just in different places, separating people into categories, some to be favored and some to be suppressed based solely on a characteristic they had no control over - their skin color. It is fostering an "us versus them" mentality where blacks and whites view each other with suspicion.

But I say we should be moving in a direction where we do not lump each other into large classes such as black or white or any other color. Rather, we should view each other as members of one human race with skin tones on a continuum from dark brown to light tan. In other words, what counts is character and experience. Is there work to do to combat racism? Absolutely. And we should start by resisting our tendency to lump people into general classes based solely on their skin color. These arbitrary categories do not help create unity among the employees.

Instead of focusing on meeting certain race quotas, I believe we should focus on meeting the needs of our customers and patients. For example, consider Ukraine and Zelensky. Ukraine has its share of racism and problems, just like other countries. But they have a love of freedom that they have rallied around, and they are accomplishing what almost everyone thought was impossible. The differences between people tend to get set aside when there is a clear mission to work towards. Without an emphasis on that mission, divisions and infighting tend to crop up.

Always wondered what it’s like to live in Mister Rogers neighborhood. Tell me more Bob.

Imagine if insurance companies instilled quotas on specialty care (heart valve, stent, etc) with cardiologists based on their race instead of their performance to make it more equitable for the physicians. Would you willingly sign up for that insurance?