The best person for the job IS being chosen and you have no idea what you’re talking about. No one is paid to hire diversity tokens. You act as though you have this all reaching insider understanding of every single hire. You don’t. It’s plain as day that you’re a bitter washed up white guy complaining.
Apparently you missed the post/reply immediately above yours. This person literally said they are being told they HAVE TO HIRE a certain way in order to meet goals. Learn how to read.
"I am neither white nor am I a dude and I’m crying foul. I’m told I have to meet a specific quota of diverse hires for any open headcount in order to meet my goals. I’m all about females in STEM and all the rest but if I’m interviewing and the more qualified individual happens to be male or white I have to decide between making the best decision or meeting my quota. Sad world."