Woketronic wake up call


Please keep social justice and virtue signaling out of the workplace. We are in business to make money and hit Sales goals. Everyone does not get a trophy and this over the top celebration of how wonderful we all are hurts performance because no one has the guts to call out low performance for fear some snowflake will melt or someone will be offended. Let’s get back to a focus on driving co potency, results and growth in role vs. being proud of how woke we can be. Thank you.

Please keep social justice and virtue signaling out of the workplace. We are in business to make money and hit Sales goals. Everyone does not get a trophy and this over the top celebration of how wonderful we all are hurts performance because no one has the guts to call out low performance for fear some snowflake will melt or someone will be offended. Let’s get back to a focus on driving co potency, results and growth in role vs. being proud of how woke we can be. Thank you.

Please keep social justice and virtue signaling out of the workplace. We are in business to make money and hit Sales goals. Everyone does not get a trophy and this over the top celebration of how wonderful we all are hurts performance because no one has the guts to call out low performance for fear some snowflake will melt or someone will be offended. Let’s get back to a focus on driving co potency, results and growth in role vs. being proud of how woke we can be. Thank you.

This is a great message for management, the real snowflakes. Pompous and low value individuals who fly around pretending to be impactful. The reps are the ones doing the real work and management is too busy passing out awards and creating time wasting reports to justify their paycheck. Employees are mirroring the behavior of the worst that’s tolerated.

This is a great message for management, the real snowflakes. Pompous and low value individuals who fly around pretending to be impactful. The reps are the ones doing the real work and management is too busy passing out awards and creating time wasting reports to justify their paycheck. Employees are mirroring the behavior of the worst that’s tolerated.

Accurate. Unfortunately this is a common problem in this industry.

It’s what happens when you start appointing leaders based on their skin color as opposed to their merit. Leadership is completely at a loss for how things work on the ground level.

Totally agree. The average white dude promotions have got to stop. Group think and Republican country club culture is a hindrance to business growth. So 1990s.

No shame if that is the direction that Medtronic goes. It should just be recognized that some high talent with significant tribal knowledge has already left/ leaving. Maybe because of the lack of career growth because of reverse discrimination or the perception of that. If other races have higher focus for retention, hats off but we have lost good talent as they are seeking to better their careers. Not solely in sales.

This is good for them and Medtronic serving as a stepping stone still. Where Medtronic is left, maybe it will be good as they push for more diversity on other races. Maybe there will be more pain for the company but it is just a company and if one has better opportunity for success, they should pursue it.

Ironic. A liberal calling for equality white discriminating against white people based on the color of their skin.

What’s liberal about calling it as we see it? You sound like a the whiny liberal who’s angry he doesn’t receive special treatment simply because you’re white. Welcome to the world of true meritocracy where people are chosen based on merit, not by being white.

What’s liberal about calling it as we see it? You sound like a the whiny liberal who’s angry he doesn’t receive special treatment simply because you’re white. Welcome to the world of true meritocracy where people are chosen based on merit, not by being white.

Except people are not being chosen on merit. I don’t care if you are white, blue or purple. Show me the sales or the results, but that’s not the company we work for.

Management literally has their MIP and bonuses tied to reaching specific diversity goals. They get paid to hire or promote non-white males or non-white females.

True meritocracy? Laughable if not so sad.

Hello, McFly...white dudes are the ones that cry foul anytime anyone besides a white dude is hired/promoted.
I am neither white nor am I a dude and I’m crying foul. I’m told I have to meet a specific quota of diverse hires for any open headcount in order to meet my goals. I’m all about females in STEM and all the rest but if I’m interviewing and the more qualified individual happens to be male or white I have to decide between making the best decision or meeting my quota. Sad world.

Except people are not being chosen on merit. I don’t care if you are white, blue or purple. Show me the sales or the results, but that’s not the company we work for.

Management literally has their MIP and bonuses tied to reaching specific diversity goals. They get paid to hire or promote non-white males or non-white females.

True meritocracy? Laughable if not so sad.

The best person for the job IS being chosen and you have no idea what you’re talking about. No one is paid to hire diversity tokens. You act as though you have this all reaching insider understanding of every single hire. You don’t. It’s plain as day that you’re a bitter washed up white guy complaining.

The best person for the job IS being chosen and you have no idea what you’re talking about. No one is paid to hire diversity tokens. You act as though you have this all reaching insider understanding of every single hire. You don’t. It’s plain as day that you’re a bitter washed up white guy complaining.

Wow ... so much ignorance. You know almost zero about how the company operates.

As my Grandma used to say “to many ingredients in the soup makes for a foul tasting meal”. When you have to big a melting pot we become tribal(liked Afghanistan and most of the African continent and look how well it has served them). Common ground becomes impossible, true collaboration and understanding gone. We are human we naturally move towards people that are like us it is wiring folks. The forced social engineering in USA moving us to over the top diversity (hell a young kid today watches commercials and will quickly think that dating within his/her own race is wrong) will only further divide and weaken a great nation. While we worry about pronouns, China and Russia worry about world dominance. We are truly a silly people to quote Bill Maher.

As my Grandma used to say “to many ingredients in the soup makes for a foul tasting meal”. When you have to big a melting pot we become tribal(liked Afghanistan and most of the African continent and look how well it has served them). Common ground becomes impossible, true collaboration and understanding gone. We are human we naturally move towards people that are like us it is wiring folks. The forced social engineering in USA moving us to over the top diversity (hell a young kid today watches commercials and will quickly think that dating within his/her own race is wrong) will only further divide and weaken a great nation. While we worry about pronouns, China and Russia worry about world dominance. We are truly a silly people to quote Bill Maher.

Your Bigot granny is getting pounded by the BBC currently.