WOKE Lilly

Interesting to see everyone who is complaining - maybe less complaining and more listening. I am sure you wouldn't want your privilege to stop you from hearing the clear message that you need to learn.


Definition of RACISM
  1. a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

  2. the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another.
RACISM is when anyone is marginalized and another group is given special advantages because if their race regardless of their ethnicity, country of origin, color, sex, or status.

Rather than merit, character, behavior, or performance.

It is very interesting that when looking back at history people want to filter out the unfavorable parts that may not fit the narrative they are uncomfortable with. This is a great country but it also has it’s dark side. Can’t pretend it didn’t happen and can’t pretend that some may have benefited that would not have if all things were equal. Some of those may not have benefited because of the color of their skin but they weren’t disadvantaged because of it either. Significant difference. If we always looked to hire the best person for the position this topic wouldn’t be relevant but clearly that hasn’t been the case.

Agreed. But do we need to teach our 3 year old's America was bad To hate themselves. Every county starts somewhere. We are reliving a horrible past by constantly claiming everything and everyone is racist. MLK Jr. said judged not by the color of my skin but the content of my character. We have gone back 60 years in 9 months.
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Agreed. But do we need to teach our 3 year old's America was bad To hate themselves. Every county starts somewhere. We are reliving a horrible past by constantly claiming everything and everyone is racist. MLK Jr. said judged not by the color of my skin but the content of my character. We have gone back 60 years in 9 months.
good point they make us hire them and then they don’t produce and should be fired…. Then it’s impossible to get rid of these retreads. Crazy as hell and woke is the future forget it we don’t need it

The amazing thing about diversity hiring is that we are simultaneously encouraged to practice it as much as possible while also pretending no given person has been the recipient of it.
My hubby came home after work today and said his fearless leader made em watch some
Political woke BS.. the reason is so they can understand this whole Liberal crap better living in Indy..There is no need for this crap unless you are prejudice and this is not the case Al Lilly’s. Please stop the ship before we push way to far which is happening at LLy. I fear for all major companies that everyone is turning what is totally unnatural. Crazy crap is it?

No matter your ethnicity, just ask yourself a question: Are racial tensions better or worse since D&I implementation?
In a sense, D and I have broadened the number of people and groups I want nothing to do with. I guess you could say I am an equal opportunity hater. I dislike all races, religions, ages, nationalities, and sex.

One is left with only the forlorn hope that a meteor hits, or climate change accelerates. Let's just sit back and enjoy the show. After all, we were pleased with Squid Games.

signed (he) or (him) or (his) or whatever.

In a sense, D and I have broadened the number of people and groups I want nothing to do with. I guess you could say I am an equal opportunity hater. I dislike all races, religions, ages, nationalities, and sex.

One is left with only the forlorn hope that a meteor hits, or climate change accelerates. Let's just sit back and enjoy the show. After all, we were pleased with Squid Games.

signed (he) or (him) or (his) or whatever.