With Race and Diversity Dividing The County..

I hate Diversity. This will be the fall of our industry. I worry for my kids and grandkids future now that race is an issue. It never was an issue before.

Diversity was never an issue for you. It has been a huge issue for a minority of your colleagues for decades. You probably never noticed the internal pain because we kept it inside. It’s highly uncomfortable going to your white manager to speak about some racist bull when his boss is white, his bosses boss is white, all of your colleagues are white, etc.

Diversity was never an issue for you. It has been a huge issue for a minority of your colleagues for decades. You probably never noticed the internal pain because we kept it inside. It’s highly uncomfortable going to your white manager to speak about some racist bull when his boss is white, his bosses boss is white, all of your colleagues are white, etc.
Totally get it and I'm a POC. However, if we keep playing to this narrative nothing will change. We're going backwards. MLK is one of my heroes and look at what he overcame? We have no issues compared to what he and other POCs endured at that time. Society seems to overlook the obvious - we are a minority! There is no shame in that, it's just a fact of the country we live in. If I move to Asia, I'll also be a minority as will white people. Anything wrong with that? No. Just a fact. Let's get past being played. Most whites I know in this company are decent people who have been helpful and supportive of me and my career.

Diversity was never an issue for you. It has been a huge issue for a minority of your colleagues for decades. You probably never noticed the internal pain because we kept it inside. It’s highly uncomfortable going to your white manager to speak about some racist bull when his boss is white, his bosses boss is white, all of your colleagues are white, etc.
Most white people I know would never tolerate anything racist to occur around them. You unfortunately had some in your hierarchy who were not as accommodating or compelled to act. Which is terrible. Nothing worse than feeling isolated or alone. Except maybe for creating a problem for the sake of creating one just to have a measure of control. The above poster nailed it with the gender payment emails we got. One day we were acknowledging our company's success. Shortly thereafter we were being accused and threatened for not being attuned to it. This company is like that abusive parent who hits you then buys you an ice cream cone. It's baffling and confusing.

Most white people I know would never tolerate anything racist to occur around them. You unfortunately had some in your hierarchy who were not as accommodating or compelled to act. Which is terrible. Nothing worse than feeling isolated or alone. Except maybe for creating a problem for the sake of creating one just to have a measure of control. The above poster nailed it with the gender payment emails we got. One day we were acknowledging our company's success. Shortly thereafter we were being accused and threatened for not being attuned to it. This company is like that abusive parent who hits you then buys you an ice cream cone. It's baffling and confusing.
Total frauds in upper management who have an agenda other than running the company. Board of Directors and major shareholders need to boot their woke a**es out the door. Might be a start to increasing the chronically abysmal stock price.

Total frauds in upper management who have an agenda other than running the company. Board of Directors and major shareholders need to boot their woke a**es out the door. Might be a start to increasing the chronically abysmal stock price.

It’s possible that the biased hiring and promotions of people with the same group think mentality contributed to the chronically abysmal stock price.

Diversity is not just about race - it’s about difference in thought, seeing things differently and bringing different life experiences to the table.

It’s possible that the biased hiring and promotions of people with the same group think mentality contributed to the chronically abysmal stock price.

Diversity is not just about race - it’s about difference in thought, seeing things differently and bringing different life experiences to the table.

Says the White Male.

Can't believe how many people take the bait and go back in history 150 + years. And argue about this. Because they are not aware they are being manipulated.

You are no smarter than the different colored ants that fight when someone shakes the jar up. All your fancy degrees, ect did not advance you past the rote emotional control of a six legged insect.