Wish I still worked at Bostwick..

What... Being appreciated for what you do on the job by a man who cares about you??? You mean there is such a life like that? Damn, you are lucky!

That's a one-in-a-million thing! Show me an employee that actually knows they are appreciated and I'll show you a happy and fulfilled employee that loves their job. Not in a lab for sure.

That's a one-in-a-million thing! Show me an employee that actually knows they are appreciated and I'll show you a happy and fulfilled employee that loves their job. Not in a lab for sure.

True. Genuine appreciation for making a difference for the company goes further than the size of your paycheck. That is something we've never experienced here or ever will. In fact, just the opposite. We are meant to feel like they are doing us a favor by letting us work here!

True. Genuine appreciation for making a difference for the company goes further than the size of your paycheck. That is something we've never experienced here or ever will. In fact, just the opposite. We are meant to feel like they are doing us a favor by letting us work here!

I was appreciated in a gas station parking lot at lunch the other day for all the work I do.

True. Genuine appreciation for making a difference for the company goes further than the size of your paycheck. That is something we've never experienced here or ever will. In fact, just the opposite. We are meant to feel like they are doing us a favor by letting us work here!

watch your head, I just heard a toilet flush

True. Genuine appreciation for making a difference for the company goes further than the size of your paycheck. That is something we've never experienced here or ever will. In fact, just the opposite. We are meant to feel like they are doing us a favor by letting us work here!

Spot on. I went from BL to a competing lab, they're all the same...thankless, nongratuitous jobs. I've made a totally different career change and my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. Stopping at CP once a month or so just reinforces that the best decision I ever made was leaving BL and lab work far behind me.

Does he have a brother, or is hubby hiring?

When you come across these brain dead posts, you can almost guarantee someone in management wrote them. They want to take your mind off the serious posts that threaten their virtually criminal existence.

Don't fall for this type of bs. Think manager, supervisor, administrator, or owner. They troll the site with only one goal - to distract from the real problems at the sucky company.

BL was and is the only lab that does not respect professionals which might be the reason they are in the situation they are in.... Wish the profit sharing worked out..lol

When you come across these brain dead posts, you can almost guarantee someone in management wrote them. They want to take your mind off the serious posts that threaten their virtually criminal existence.

Don't fall for this type of bs. Think manager, supervisor, administrator, or owner. They troll the site with only one goal - to distract from the real problems at the sucky company.

I'm not so sure about that. There was a wave of firings and layoffs a couple of years ago and the lucky ones left lab work completely and are living happily ever after. This is just a job and not a life with your spouse. I would definately kss this place and all lab work goodbye to have that also! At the very least, a job where I felt needed and appreciated.

I'll call BS on that.......the HR Dept. is not qualified to do HR let alone "vett candidates" I received a resume from someone that did materials science for the histology lab because it had the word microscope on it.....lmfao

Unbelievable, but true of most HRs. They are staffed by the most stupid people in the world. Your story would be hilarious if it were not so scary.

I'm not so sure about that. There was a wave of firings and layoffs a couple of years ago and the lucky ones left lab work completely and are living happily ever after. This is just a job and not a life with your spouse. I would definately kss this place and all lab work goodbye to have that also! At the very least, a job where I felt needed and appreciated.

A job where you're appreciated and needed? Not a chance is this line of work. No wonder you left lab work.