Does he have something lined up? Since so many pharma companies have downsized over the last year that it will be tough to find positions of that caliber with other companies, since it's unlikely those positions would be vacated voluntarily in this difficult market. From my experience, most people in multiple levels of positions, will need to accept a much lower salary that they're accustomed to in order to get hired.

Companies pay for talent even in lean times. Bet he scores well. LMAO on the Bears comment, he probably will too. Go Pack, Go TH! Just don't forget us, we will need you to pull us out of the abyss.

Companies pay for talent even in lean times. Bet he scores well.
This post shows the ignorance and arrogance that boils my bottom. From what I am hearing from my friends at other companies, every big Pharma company has downsized about the same percentage that we have over the past 4 years. Who is hiring RMs or VPs these days?

This post shows the ignorance and arrogance that boils my bottom. From what I am hearing from my friends at other companies, every big Pharma company has downsized about the same percentage that we have over the past 4 years. Who is hiring RMs or VPs these days?

Eveidently a lot of them. ALL of our old VPs and RMs are now working for other companies. Screw you. I can't stand dumbasses who make cliched, uninformed comments.

Eveidently a lot of them. ALL of our old VPs and RMs are now working for other companies. Screw you. I can't stand dumbasses who make cliched, uninformed comments.
Typical late 90's FORTUNE magazine cover "Pfizer is #1" BS. So we are to believe that you just so happen to know every single former Pfizer RM and VP, and know their salaries and employment situation. It is people like you that give recently discharged people false hopes. Liars like you are not helping them prepare for the new world.

Exactly, anyone who's been downsized after 10-20 years with a large corporation, who's gained a generous salary, generous benefits, free prescriptions, etc. will be in for a rude awakening with the "new" job market since the recession.

The competition is fierce, you'll need to learn how to interview again and prove your worth to complete strangers, not people who've known your successes and awards as each company has different standards and levels of "success". If you're over confident and "brag" too much, they're turned off, if you undersell yourself they'll pass on you and interview the 100th candidate.

They don't care what you're former salary was, they know you've been downsized and need a job so they will decide what the starting pay is, so be prepared to take tens of thousands in a salary cut. Benefits will be less attractive, as we all have to "pay our fair share now" so you'll decide between a high premium PPO plan or a high deductible plan.

Those are the facts, very few will be "impressed" by the ex-pharma giants and many have a negative opinion of this company and it's former employees.

Exactly, anyone who's been downsized after 10-20 years with a large corporation, who's gained a generous salary, generous benefits, free prescriptions, etc. will be in for a rude awakening with the "new" job market since the recession.

Have you heard the one about a former Pfizer SD that showed up at an interview just a few weeks ago with a typical Pfizer "brag book"? The interviewer was incredulous. And we wonder why we are no longer feared, but mocked.

Take your fractured fairy tales and go away troll. Your attitude and drudgery are made for people we choose not to associate with in Wisconsin. We are behind you 100% T. Some people just want to live on the dark side.

Take your fractured fairy tales and go away troll. Your attitude and drudgery are made for people we choose not to associate with in Wisconsin. We are behind you 100% T. Some people just want to live on the dark side.
Fairy tale? My ex-RM asked me to look over her brag book when she found out that she was displaced. I didn't think using brag books at that level was such a bad thing.

Obviously many of you has no clue what the pharma/medica sales job market is like these days, it's reality in WI as well as most states! Add that to the ageism that is alive and well in this industry, and don't be surprised if you're interviewed by someone 10-20 years your junior, who is your potential future boss and gives you the feeling you're "over qualified" for the position, meaning they'd rather hire a young newbie and pay them a fraction of what you'd expect.

When a multitude of companies have downsized over the last couple years on a constant basis, there are dozens to hundreds of "competitors" searching and applying for the same positions. Companies are acutely aware of this and tailor their opening to narrow the applicant field by stating they'll only accept very specific experience, degrees, and some say or no pharma reps. This is no joke, just trying to prepare you.

Performance still pays my friend, and companies are always looking for people who can get results. Pfizer seems to have lost sight of that as many people are being forsaken for syncophants and theorists who never produce anything but random thoughts and pilots that produce nothing. Tinkering is one thing results is another don't ya think? I think people like TH and others will land pretty damn well if they market themselves well. Leadership and results is a rare commodity in and out of Pfizer. I for one will miss him, we had a lot of fun and kicked some major ass. Cheers and Happy New Year.

Performance still pays my friend, and companies are always looking for people who can get results.
I don't think that many of the latter posts here are directed at TH specifically. The gist seems to be that one side issues statements like "ALL RMs and VPs have landed a job" and hints that talented people (ex-RMs and SDs?) can still command $200k+. The other side's claim is that many Pharma companies have been downsizing for years, and have very few openings at the $200K+ salary.
I know one thing: our industry is less than half the size it was 5 years ago. Many hundreds of "award-winning" DBMs, trainers, RDs, and VPs' resumes are flooding recruiters' Pharma industry in-boxes, and have been doing so for years. I see all of these people bragging on here about landing better paying jobs than Pfizer, or being treated with more respect at their new company. Where the heck are the jobs these people are talking about? Biotech and med. supply companies aren't big enough to handle all of these ex-Pharma people.

Finally, someone speaks the truth. So many of my ex-colleagues are struggling to find something that paid them what they made here. One member of my district pulled down $130,000+ as a rep (she started in 1992, I believe). 3 different recruiters made her cry when they showed her the salaries being offered by the FEW companies looking for senior-level reps.
DM jobs are even harder to come by..I mean, who is looking for people that make $150,000 that spend their days riding around with reps that can see 4-5 docs a day for less the a minute each time?
Wake up and smell the bacon, Pfizer peeps. We should be thankful that we're not on the street looking in.

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