Wisconsin decimated!!!

Yeah, just got my call, didn't make it. I can't really think of a time when this would be good news. Seven times in the past I awaited this call and survived but felt like crap for my partners who lost positions.
Don't want to be crazy cup half full, and I certainly don't have a Dr. No fall back plan where I saved all my money, and secured 3 positions last Tuesday. This is going to be be a very difficult transition. I know people who haven't found gainful employment in several years.
Got it, this is gonna leave a scare....Still
Given what's happened in the last week, this is small potatoes. Could I lose the house,yep, am I worried about insurance for the kids, oh hell yeah, but seriously everyone is healthy, and capable.
So yeah this sucks, but I can think of a group of people who would gladly trade this for what they are dealing with.
Ok, time to tell the family were cutting the Netflix:)
Good luck all

Yeah, just got my call, didn't make it. I can't really think of a time when this would be good news. Seven times in the past I awaited this call and survived but felt like crap for my partners who lost positions.
Don't want to be crazy cup half full, and I certainly don't have a Dr. No fall back plan where I saved all my money, and secured 3 positions last Tuesday. This is going to be be a very difficult transition. I know people who haven't found gainful employment in several years.
Got it, this is gonna leave a scare....Still
Given what's happened in the last week, this is small potatoes. Could I lose the house,yep, am I worried about insurance for the kids, oh hell yeah, but seriously everyone is healthy, and capable.
So yeah this sucks, but I can think of a group of people who would gladly trade this for what they are dealing with.
Ok, time to tell the family were cutting the Netflix:)
Good luck all

That is about the best, most mature post I have ever seen on here. I have confidence you will be fine. Pfizer obviously does not define you.

Yeah, just got my call, didn't make it. I can't really think of a time when this would be good news. Seven times in the past I awaited this call and survived but felt like crap for my partners who lost positions.
Don't want to be crazy cup half full, and I certainly don't have a Dr. No fall back plan where I saved all my money, and secured 3 positions last Tuesday. This is going to be be a very difficult transition. I know people who haven't found gainful employment in several years.
Got it, this is gonna leave a scare....Still
Given what's happened in the last week, this is small potatoes. Could I lose the house,yep, am I worried about insurance for the kids, oh hell yeah, but seriously everyone is healthy, and capable.
So yeah this sucks, but I can think of a group of people who would gladly trade this for what they are dealing with.
Ok, time to tell the family were cutting the Netflix:)
Good luck all

You seem like a very rational and educated person. Be positive, because it will get better for you. Don't look at others who have not found jobs and think that you will suffer the same fate; everyone's journey is different. It may seem like you have lost a great job with good benefits, but there are other companies who will provide almost equivalent pay and just as good benefits, AND you will feel much better about WHO you are working for.

Take a look at the last few years in PFE's history. The severance package has progressively gotten worse, the work climate is downright toxic, the employees are constantly looking over their shoulder for the next wave, and the only thing that matters to management is padding the exec's already full pockets. When you land in your next job you will wonder how you ever felt that this was a good place to work. Good luck and keep the faith!

For those who were cut, this may be a blessing in disguise, because there are so many more rewarding positions out there. I was cut a couple rounds ago, and found a sales career that is so much more fulfilling than pharma, where people are treated with respect, they can use their sales experience and make decisions about their territory, customers, marketing materials, and sales "messages" (which aren't canned). Access to customers can be great when you're offering something they need, and there are many companies that value quality people, and don't choose the youngest, cutest reps.

Think outside the box with your job search, and look under "Account Executive" or Marketing and you'll find a whole new world outside of pharma who would really appreciate your sales experience. You're training is exceptional and you know how to distinguish between bringing value to your customers and wasting their time on a canned sales pitch, so have confidence in yourselves and good luck!

For those who were cut, this may be a blessing in disguise, because there are so many more rewarding positions out there. I was cut a couple rounds ago, and found a sales career that is so much more fulfilling than pharma, where people are treated with respect, they can use their sales experience and make decisions about their territory, customers, marketing materials, and sales "messages" (which aren't canned). Access to customers can be great when you're offering something they need, and there are many companies that value quality people, and don't choose the youngest, cutest reps.

Think outside the box with your job search, and look under "Account Executive" or Marketing and you'll find a whole new world outside of pharma who would really appreciate your sales experience. You're training is exceptional and you know how to distinguish between bringing value to your customers and wasting their time on a canned sales pitch, so have confidence in yourselves and good luck!

Well said. I got ousted from Pfizer in 2006. Honestly, it was the BEST thing that ever happened to me! It's great working for a decent organization who values experience and the truth.

I just saw American Greed the other night and Pfizer was featured. Why would anybody want to work for such an organization? Pfizer use to be a Great and well respected company.....not anymore.

Yes- as a hiring manager in another industry, I certainly am looking to pay a six-figure salary to someone who knows how to cater a Panera lunch.

My wife works outside of pharma industry as a media buyer. She has sales people calling on her and guess what? Instead of Panera she gets tickets to games, Starbucks credit cards, even free trips to exotic places. Sounds familiar, right? This is exactly what a pharma rep could do with their doctors before the rules changed. Yes, Panera Bread is not exactly the most exotic place, but sales is sales and this is what most sales people do to get the job done. HOWEVER, we get our job done in three to four hours where the other sales people may have to work (or should I say, stay in) longer hours. To me, this is the greatest job because of the hours we work. If someone told me I had to take a massive pay cut but could still keep my job, I would because I know how good I have it and how much I truly deserve to get paid. There are other sales jobs out there that we are perfectly qualified for but what I think we are worried about is losing our amazing lifestyle. And now that you/we have, either get ready for longer hours, potentially a desk job and taking your own car to work or taking a pay cut (if you're lucky, there are pharma jobs out there paying more than what you get paid but get ready to compete) and finding yourself back in pharma.

Yeah, just got my call, didn't make it. I can't really think of a time when this would be good news. Seven times in the past I awaited this call and survived but felt like crap for my partners who lost positions.
Don't want to be crazy cup half full, and I certainly don't have a Dr. No fall back plan where I saved all my money, and secured 3 positions last Tuesday. This is going to be be a very difficult transition. I know people who haven't found gainful employment in several years.
Got it, this is gonna leave a scare....Still
Given what's happened in the last week, this is small potatoes. Could I lose the house,yep, am I worried about insurance for the kids, oh hell yeah, but seriously everyone is healthy, and capable.
So yeah this sucks, but I can think of a group of people who would gladly trade this for what they are dealing with.
Ok, time to tell the family were cutting the Netflix:)
Good luck all

Ok,day two and of course the family is all awesome, and more then I deserve. Ah, but heres the unexpected kicker. My team mates, clusters 1 & 2 (one of the alinements that had both) have stepped forward like the champs they are. Myopically and to be true, self promoting I was sure no one responded to a team mate in need like me....and I was wrong. I'm not a great big teary response type person...but honestly they have been awesome and I gladly shed a tear to being overwhelmed by there collective response.
So if Karma is real, (as far as I can attest it is) this group better get ready for some good times.:)
Ok back to figure out how all this stuff goes down.


My wife works outside of pharma industry as a media buyer. She has sales people calling on her and guess what? Instead of Panera she gets tickets to games, Starbucks credit cards, even free trips to exotic places. Sounds familiar, right? This is exactly what a pharma rep could do with their doctors before the rules changed. Yes, Panera Bread is not exactly the most exotic place, but sales is sales and this is what most sales people do to get the job done. HOWEVER, we get our job done in three to four hours where the other sales people may have to work (or should I say, stay in) longer hours. To me, this is the greatest job because of the hours we work. If someone told me I had to take a massive pay cut but could still keep my job, I would because I know how good I have it and how much I truly deserve to get paid. There are other sales jobs out there that we are perfectly qualified for but what I think we are worried about is losing our amazing lifestyle. And now that you/we have, either get ready for longer hours, potentially a desk job and taking your own car to work or taking a pay cut (if you're lucky, there are pharma jobs out there paying more than what you get paid but get ready to compete) and finding yourself back in pharma.

Please give me three examples of what jobs we are perfectly qualified for. I lost people from my pod in 2006. Two are selling nutraceuticals for a network marketing while they look for pharma jobs and one with with Innovex as a contract rep selling a psych med. PS: These people have over 10 years in selling at Pfizer. They've looked everywhere, to no avail. So what industries havce you heard are hiring Pfizer reps, and how can I get me some?

Please give me three examples of what jobs we are perfectly qualified for. I lost people from my pod in 2006. Two are selling nutraceuticals for a network marketing while they look for pharma jobs and one with with Innovex as a contract rep selling a psych med. PS: These people have over 10 years in selling at Pfizer. They've looked everywhere, to no avail. So what industries havce you heard are hiring Pfizer reps, and how can I get me some?

You say, "Pfizer Reps," like they're different from a "regular," person's resume. A rep is a rep and sales is sales and there are plenty of industries that are in need of sales people. So get over your "Pfizer Rep," mentality and join the rest of the world as potentially being an employed sales person for the next company you hopefully find a job with. It is not easy to move on but moving on is what we all have to do.

You say, "Pfizer Reps," like they're different from a "regular," person's resume. A rep is a rep and sales is sales and there are plenty of industries that are in need of sales people. So get over your "Pfizer Rep," mentality and join the rest of the world as potentially being an employed sales person for the next company you hopefully find a job with. It is not easy to move on but moving on is what we all have to do.

Disagree with rep is a rep and sales is sales.

Forget Pfizer Rep mentality.

Out of pharma, major corporations do NOT view pharma sales as sales, yet mere promotion. We are NOT actually selling a tangible product that they order on the spot or via a store. The Rx needs to be filled. We HOPE it will be filled, and not switched.

You truly need to set yourself AWAY from pharma, and position yourself as a salesperson. Share on the interview WHY you want to leave (or already left) pharma.

I did, and it honesty worked. I honestly received a bump in salary, and kept all the perks of a pharma REP.

A post above mentioned the hours, pay, car, etc., are not comparable via pharma. Nope. Honestly, again, was able to maintain it all...and more.

It can be done. The positions ARE out there!

Good luck and blessings to all!

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