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Wilmington Retirees


Is anyone having trouble with the AZ benefits Center or Express Scripts finding out if there $25,000 maximum benefit has been reached. I have been trying for several weeks and I have been stonewalled by both. My wife's medical benefit was reported to be $20,00 and that was adjusted to $8,000. AZ has certainly changed since I retired over 10 years ago.

Is anyone having trouble with the AZ benefits Center or Express Scripts finding out if there $25,000 maximum benefit has been reached. I have been trying for several weeks and I have been stonewalled by both. My wife's medical benefit was reported to be $20,00 and that was adjusted to $8,000. AZ has certainly changed since I retired over 10 years ago.

Retiree here from sales;
My wife's actual expendatures were overstated by $4,000 last year, and we knew this couldn't be the case. Our very thorough investigation showed that Express Scripts had charged us fully for a number of AZ products over the last year and a half. We did a written inventory, collected copies of just about everything possible, and faxed all the results to Express Scripts. They admitted to us that they had mistakenly charged us (fully) for the AZ products that should have been free....and it was obvious that this had been the case for just about all AZ products dispensed throughout the company retirees.
Express Scripts told us that the situation had now been "elevated" to the powers that be. I suggest that you do as we did and document your situation.

I'm also a member of the AZ Retiree Organization, and have reported all this to them. They have quite a few members reporting the same situation.
I will keep this site posted on further developments, and suggest that you and any other retiree having the same problem do the same. I'm pretty sure, having spent half a lifetime with AZ, that we are on our own here, and somebody, somewhere, knows all about this and is/was profiting royally.

i also found out that i was being charged for az products. was told express scripts was aware of the problem and was working on it. we need to make sure they do, but how?

I mean like who the hell can pay these prices!! Outrageous. Who the fuck do these guys think they are, $6.00 for a fucking pill! Im retired now, the game has changed.

We need someone in charge here

Well we have to recover some of the costs to continue our R & D efforts in order to improve patients lives, and that's what's first at AZ. Even though we've failed to do squat since the organization was co-joined, and no shareholder has made a dime -- the executives who have failed to produce got paid third world country dictator-style compensation for doing nothing except scarfing down $300.00 lunches and talking utter shit!

We care about the employees too, unless you retire, or get fired or quit. Then it's a different game and you can go ahead and speak your mind! You'd better be happy here (or at least say so) or you're gone. The bottom line is you're going to have to take care of yourselves. The big shots here know that and we've got ourselves all set up. Patient Health First!

Retiree here from sales;
My wife's actual expendatures were overstated by $4,000 last year, and we knew this couldn't be the case. Our very thorough investigation showed that Express Scripts had charged us fully for a number of AZ products over the last year and a half. We did a written inventory, collected copies of just about everything possible, and faxed all the results to Express Scripts. They admitted to us that they had mistakenly charged us (fully) for the AZ products that should have been free....and it was obvious that this had been the case for just about all AZ products dispensed throughout the company retirees.
Express Scripts told us that the situation had now been "elevated" to the powers that be. I suggest that you do as we did and document your situation.

I'm also a member of the AZ Retiree Organization, and have reported all this to them. They have quite a few members reporting the same situation.
I will keep this site posted on further developments, and suggest that you and any other retiree having the same problem do the same. I'm pretty sure, having spent half a lifetime with AZ, that we are on our own here, and somebody, somewhere, knows all about this and is/was profiting royally.

who exactly did you fax the information to?

The fax was sent to Express Scripts as below:

Bob Nutter
At Fax Number: 702-436 8469 (a manager at Express Scripts)

However, we are yet to see any correction, or even a return call or message. The evidence was overwhelming. We will contact them again this week. We certainly welcome your participation.

Good luck.

You would think that AZ would step in and try to help. How pathetic AZ has become. Let this be a lesson to all that remain at this uncaring company. You are nothing but a number on a spreadsheet. If you were to die tomorrow, they could care less, and would fill your position within a few weeks.

You would think that AZ would step in and try to help. How pathetic AZ has become. Let this be a lesson to all that remain at this uncaring company. You are nothing but a number on a spreadsheet. If you were to die tomorrow, they could care less, and would fill your position within a few weeks.
First they eliminated the defined pension for all new employees and then they systematically set out to eliminate all Zeneca legacy people who still qualified for their defined pensions. At the time of the merger they wanted to take the defined pensions away but legally couldn't. Then they tried to persuade anyone who was stupid enough to convert their defined pension into a 401K. When that failed they set out to force out those who still remained. As a previous poster stated, there is an ongoing investigation that will lead to a class action lawsuit in the near future.

express scripts has been sending zomig charges to my lifetime max at aetna. they now say it's no longer an astrazeneca drug since impax is selling it. is this true? i've never had to make a copay so i didn't know anything has changed.

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