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Wilmington is the problem


Culture starts at the top. Corporate culture at the Wilmington HQ was cancerous. I knew it almost immediately, but they paid well, and like everyone else, I just wanted to provide for my family.

I feel bad for the good people there, the ones PIP'd out, the ones who lost out at bonus time because of the forced internal rankings.

To management who sat on their hands and watched this go to crap....To the people who kept talking about AZ being "Employers of Choice"...To the Directors who let the corporate culture take a front seat to actual business performance...To the people who kept pushing Exanta, Crestor, and Iressa as the bridges to the future (remember the sharks?)....You all failed. Your only successes were driving in the nails to the coffin. No pipeline. Poor decision making. Poor people management.

I dance on your graves.

Culture starts at the top. Corporate culture at the Wilmington HQ was cancerous. I knew it almost immediately, but they paid well, and like everyone else, I just wanted to provide for my family.

I feel bad for the good people there, the ones PIP'd out, the ones who lost out at bonus time because of the forced internal rankings.

To management who sat on their hands and watched this go to crap....To the people who kept talking about AZ being "Employers of Choice"...To the Directors who let the corporate culture take a front seat to actual business performance...To the people who kept pushing Exanta, Crestor, and Iressa as the bridges to the future (remember the sharks?)....You all failed. Your only successes were driving in the nails to the coffin. No pipeline. Poor decision making. Poor people management.

I dance on your graves.

I sat in a meeting where RF said low rankers should get whacked. "They Suck".

He said if he did as badly he'd deserve it too.

Well, right back at you. What a bunch of worthless leaders who surrounded themselves with worthless sycophants. Its now come around.

I sat in a meeting where RF said low rankers should get whacked. "They Suck".

He said if he did as badly he'd deserve it too.

Well, right back at you. What a bunch of worthless leaders who surrounded themselves with worthless sycophants. Its now come around.

I am in sales and I get the idea that if I don't do well, that I may need to go.

The problem I have is that measurement stick is so f'up.

A rank and yank system except for the good old boys in management who feathered their nests and ran AZ into the ground. I was doing a job search the other day and many sales jobs had a preference for MBA's and I wonder how many senior execs had one. It might have helped select out the disaster that was Brennan.

Of course it is Wilmington's fault. Just like it's the Costa Concordia's Captain's fault. If he had a personality to admit it, he would never have committed the blunder. Same at AZ.

I work in HQ and I can assure you of one thing. Every person in marketing thinks they are the shizzle and they think that EVERY single person in field sales is a moron. Which you are. For working in field sales. Because you never did anything with your degree and you have no ambition other than to cater donuts. So there.

I work in HQ and I can assure you of one thing. Every person in marketing thinks they are the shizzle and they think that EVERY single person in field sales is a moron. Which you are. For working in field sales. Because you never did anything with your degree and you have no ambition other than to cater donuts. So there.

LMAO. Troll. I guess you are a little upset that you could not get that pharma job. I hate to say this but if it were not for "sales" reps, doctors and patients would be in BIG trouble. Most docs never read a P.I. N E V E R! They would not know where NOT to use the product if it were not for us and your gammy would be dead because some dipshit doctor would haver Rxed two or maybe three contraindicated medications. Now, that my friend, is a fact. Most of us do NOT 'cater' lunches. We have them delivered and we just show up. I personally do not make a big deal out of lunch. It is there to give me a few more minutes with the doctor and NOT to feed office staff. I will accomodate special diets but that is not why I'm in their office. If sales reps were not out there selling, YOU would not HAVE a FRICKING job. Asshole (if you even have one).

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