Will we still have jobs?

Wrong! Both Novartis and Merck reps would love for the chance to work at BI! BI has their growing pains however they do have a great long term strategy!
Fact- Merck is a notoriously cheap company, just check their threads, Merck is no more than a me too company and an old FDAH wannabe!
Fact- Novartis reps are taking anything they can get in order to get away from their sinking ship. Hell, they'd be lucky to sell cat pheromones or dog food at this point!
What a bunch of no talent losers with Merck and Novartis! It's a match made in heaven!

Hey, what's wrong with selling dog food?!?

We may be surprised by who ends up with some of our products. Several companies without HW. My suggestion would be to keep selling and hope we look good on paper..........

Just be glad our colleague Beeler isn't running the company. He HATES black people. It's a fact. The next time you see him ask him how many friends he's had that are black- or ask him how many black people he's hired when he managed at BMS or Scherring or a 20 year period? Try zero, none, the very last thing he'd do. He's a biget putz

Haha. Layoffs? Why exactly would we lay people off right before the merger? Explain that to me.

The reason is tax incentives for the company and so the company can get rid of dead weight going into the new year. It makes the company more appealing to investors. It is common for companies to do layoffs at the end of the year. It helps the stock price.