Will we launch in Q1?

This is honestly a PSA. Since you want to leave and will have to interview in order to do so, please make an effort to properly understand industry pricing and payer dynamics. If you want to move on to make more money, explaining away low growth being due to the price of your product will not get you the job.

thanks for the smart a$s advice but nobody cares what you have to say. Supernus has a reputation & people outside of this company are aware of the crazy making going on here (from management level & up). Provided future employer has any intel on Supernus, it’s pretty much a slam dunk for the rep.

Give us something Rockville! Anything, the silence is deafening. It’s been 2.5 months without one word. If this is such an easy fix then fix it and let’s get out there and sell

IF this product gets approved it will launch the second half of this year and not earlier. If you think we will launch April you are out of your mind and brain washed. Some smart a$$ will say “ since you know so much about the FDA” to that I say, read up on the magical internet you moron.

IF this product gets approved it will launch the second half of this year and not earlier. If you think we will launch April you are out of your mind and brain washed. Some smart a$$ will say “ since you know so much about the FDA” to that I say, read up on the magical internet you moron.

It is a little uncomfortable how obvious today’s barrage on multiple Supernus threads are from the same poster.

I think it’s reasonable to believe Supernus has yet to actually hear back from the FDA regarding the submission of SPN-812. I think we have not received an update because they do not know what is actually wrong with the submission.

I think it’s reasonable to believe Supernus has yet to actually hear back from the FDA regarding the submission of SPN-812. I think we have not received an update because they do not know what is actually wrong with the submission.

If that’s the case that can be handled with a quick nationwide email. We have not received that email so you are likely wrong.