Will we launch in Q1?

if you can’t sell then you can’t sell

It doesn’t matter how great a product is, if when you go to purchase that product at the store it’s too expensive. We are well beyond the you can’t sell argument. Corporate Accounts had opportunities over the years to sign contracts with payers but we let our ego get in the way. So just shut up already.

That’s 9000 a year for ONE script. Meanwhile reps are hardly bonusing. This place is a joke. Leaving first chance I get

This is honestly a PSA. Since you want to leave and will have to interview in order to do so, please make an effort to properly understand industry pricing and payer dynamics. If you want to move on to make more money, explaining away low growth being due to the price of your product will not get you the job.

This is honestly a PSA. Since you want to leave and will have to interview in order to do so, please make an effort to properly understand industry pricing and payer dynamics. If you want to move on to make more money, explaining away low growth being due to the price of your product will not get you the job.

Not the OP but I think they were trying to point out the irony in high priced medications and low bonus payout. Which is exactly what we see at supernus.