I think DR said he leaves in June.
There's 2 separate but connected issues. The patent challenge may cost $500M and multiple years to win. If we don't get the injunction lifted by 2/21 then we have nothing to sell.
The REGN hospital team is a guide for how they will handle us peons. Vetted like Presidential candidates yet their jobs changed 2-3 times since hire, counting the ones who survived the purges. True, they actually kept about half that team of 60 in other roles. But that included moves to RA and derm teams, which have been filled. Think they had 60-90 days to post & interview inside REGN and then 2 mths severance. That would be the best case scenario.
We have a lot more people affected - maybe 200 all at once vs. 60. And again, the fallback slots have been taken. Yes I know the RA ppl have been sitting at home since Oct, but they're launching before Jun. Same with Derm.
The conf call we had with Legal last week - I appreciate some limited transparency, albeit 3 VERY long weeks after it all hit the fan. I understand the time lines better now, but no one should have left that call feeling confident about overturning the injunction.
I believe we actually sold over $100M in 2016 through Q3. But the Alliance spends like $5 for every $1 they bring in. So you have to wonder: is the Alliance leadership team or REGN board going to want to spend so much money on promotion, or cut the Commercial budget and re-invest in R&D? Eylea won't make tons of money forever... maybe starting in 2017.
If it's been a while since you sold in a pod, this is the worst of that experience. Our average patient age in clinical trials is 63... but we fund only a fraction of the necessary Foundation money for Med D patients. SNFI reps believe the promises of every "dude" working for an SP, send them all their business, and wonder why they can't see the script and why NRx and TRx are going sideways. SNFI blames REGN for the crappy Hub rollout, but they forget they negotiated the contracts with the SPs and PBMs. SNFI wants activity & metrics, like that matters with a specialty biologic market. How is this situation going to promote better collaboration & teamwork? Do people behave rationally when you're talking about losing their money?
SNFI PCP reps are in limbo with their territories, I'm hearing they won't have permanent assignments until March. My guess is SNFI is taking a "wait and see" approach. If the injunction doesn't get lifted, I could see SNFI CEO going to Len with the pitch of "Look, you guys are good with making cool stuff and not so solid on bringing products to market. Why don't you focus on your competencies, and let us focus on ours? Cut your Commercial team, we have reps with endo and now direct Praluent experience." That would explain why SNFI never wanted to move away from "total dirt", since they see tons of opportunity in IM and PCP even though we are beating AMGN with specialists.
Final thought - I've talked to recruiters who tell me some of the sales leaders who have told us "business as usual, we'll be fine" are calling those same recruiters.
I believe if you're not looking for something outside REGN, you should be. But what do I know? I came over here thinking my stock options would be worth something someday.
Thanks for your over-explanation fuck