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Wichita Market

What a piece of shit market. To think the managers let the S. Bracy's run the district with no consequences. Bracy will turn you and burn you. Scot will back Bracy to stay in "good graces!" Ha ha. Day in and day out, your team is ruled by the Bracy. Do you have a backbone? BRACY is the manager and has proved time and time again that she will take you down to rise her ego to the point of no return. Sorry people just keep taking the crap of the Bracy. Stand up to her and see what happens. She will cry. Boo hoo idiot!

Honestly Garth, posting on CP while you're drunk on wine and your Lunesta in the middle of the night is not the answer. Your bitterness towards your former reps and company is tacky. You're upset because Bracy has bigger balls than you and she called you out on your lack of leadership and the fact that you never worked nor had the knowledge of how to run reports. She's a solid rep and has a long track record of success. Your track record only looked good because you were fortunate enough to have a strong team who made you look good.
You were a joke to your management team and entire district, always fumbling through presentations, drinking too much, hitting on your reps, etc. Move on, be thankful you were able to get hired by another company, after you supposedly "were downsized".

Honestly Garth, posting on CP while you're drunk on wine and your Lunesta in the middle of the night is not the answer. Your bitterness towards your former reps and company is tacky. You're upset because Bracy has bigger balls than you and she called you out on your lack of leadership and the fact that you never worked nor had the knowledge of how to run reports. She's a solid rep and has a long track record of success. Your track record only looked good because you were fortunate enough to have a strong team who made you look good.
You were a joke to your management team and entire district, always fumbling through presentations, drinking too much, hitting on your reps, etc. Move on, be thankful you were able to get hired by another company, after you supposedly "were downsized".

Honestly Garth, posting on CP while you're drunk on wine and your Lunesta in the middle of the night is not the answer. Your bitterness towards your former reps and company is tacky. You're upset because Bracy has bigger balls than you and she called you out on your lack of leadership and the fact that you never worked nor had the knowledge of how to run reports. She's a solid rep and has a long track record of success. Your track record only looked good because you were fortunate enough to have a strong team who made you look good.
You were a joke to your management team and entire district, always fumbling through presentations, drinking too much, hitting on your reps, etc. Move on, be thankful you were able to get hired by another company, after you supposedly "were downsized".

Hired by John Snow. Says a lot right there.

Stephi was able to destroy the careers of her 4 previous DBM's. The first was pushed out into the AE role, while the next 3 somehow managed to get terminated. This was not a coincidence, as she has had a problem with every manager she's reported too. All under the watchful eye of JSOW. Why did that guy allow a rep to cause so much havoc?

Stephi was able to destroy the careers of her 4 previous DBM's. The first was pushed out into the AE role, while the next 3 somehow managed to get terminated. This was not a coincidence, as she has had a problem with every manager she's reported too. All under the watchful eye of JSOW. Why did that guy allow a rep to cause so much havoc?

Garth, please stop blaming Stephanie. You are as worthless as the previous disaster managers. If you or any of the others were decent, firing wouldn't have happened. Do you really think you got fired because one person didn't like you? If so, you really are crazy!

Garth, please stop blaming Stephanie. You are as worthless as the previous disaster managers. If you or any of the others were decent, firing wouldn't have happened. Do you really think you got fired because one person didn't like you? If so, you really are crazy!

Why is it that you always assume that anyone who points out what a jackass you're being could ONLY be the person in which you are personally attacking? Although I wouldn't blame Garth for pointing out what a douche you are, you don't have to be Garth to realize that.

If you want to call out someone by name, at least have the common courtesy to post your own.

Let me understand this, Bracy and Abraham were able to get 3 or 4 DM's fired and interestingly enough, neither of them have the balls to apply for the manager position because they are above the position? So, when they get a manager that isn't competent TO THEM, they go all out and get them fired. Who is the RBD that allows this and doesn't look into Bracy's background, etc? Or Abraham's for that fact since he is the silent instigator? If they are so great, why don't they apply for the management position? Bracy is not competent to lead a team and Abraham doesn't give a shit but loves the drama light. PURE DYSFUNCTION! It's funny, Bracy actually think she has the capacity to influence providers. They can't stand her, and without her pod mates, she would be toast. Ask her to interview for the management position, she will fail. Scot wants to be left alone to run his side businesses. Bracy secretly wants to have a magical night with Abraham. Sick sick relationship! Isn't it true that Bracy won COE because of Brady and Rich's relationships in Emporia. Someone mentioned she was a consistent performer in a previous post, on paper yes, in reality no. Any RBD that lets her rule the roost with no consequences is weak and worhtless. Hey Bracy, get off of your high horse. Being anorexic and acting like a total "B" doesn't make anyone support you or like you enough when you get called in to be fired. It's so hard isn't it seeing your pod members move business when you have tried for years. Abraham should stay away from you, losing his hot wife because of your infatuation with him is a possibility. Or maybe, your husband will finally realize
he is 10th in line to your list for Abraham infidelity.

Let me understand this, Bracy and Abraham were able to get 3 or 4 DM's fired and interestingly enough, neither of them have the balls to apply for the manager position because they are above the position? So, when they get a manager that isn't competent TO THEM, they go all out and get them fired. Who is the RBD that allows this and doesn't look into Bracy's background, etc? Or Abraham's for that fact since he is the silent instigator? If they are so great, why don't they apply for the management position? Bracy is not competent to lead a team and Abraham doesn't give a shit but loves the drama light. PURE DYSFUNCTION! It's funny, Bracy actually think she has the capacity to influence providers. They can't stand her, and without her pod mates, she would be toast. Ask her to interview for the management position, she will fail. Scot wants to be left alone to run his side businesses. Bracy secretly wants to have a magical night with Abraham. Sick sick relationship! Isn't it true that Bracy won COE because of Brady and Rich's relationships in Emporia. Someone mentioned she was a consistent performer in a previous post, on paper yes, in reality no. Any RBD that lets her rule the roost with no consequences is weak and worhtless. Hey Bracy, get off of your high horse. Being anorexic and acting like a total "B" doesn't make anyone support you or like you enough when you get called in to be fired. It's so hard isn't it seeing your pod members move business when you have tried for years. Abraham should stay away from you, losing his hot wife because of your infatuation with him is a possibility. Or maybe, your husband will finally realize
he is 10th in line to your list for Abraham infidelity.
Seriously, is this all you have in your life? Other than the managers who were fired, everyone knew they needed to go. I think you need to move the fuck on. The reason SB is still in the market is because she's a solid rep that gets her shit done. All you are doing is justifying why Brian fucking fired you. You're a sad individual and are only making yourself look bad. I guess your female reps who you hit on should get on here and smear your name publically since that seems to be how you deal with things. We all know who is behind this and you were and are pathetic. Move the fuck on! Just a sad, drunk, sorry excuse of a man.

Stephi was able to destroy the careers of her 4 previous DBM's. The first was pushed out into the AE role, while the next 3 somehow managed to get terminated. This was not a coincidence, as she has had a problem with every manager she's reported too. All under the watchful eye of JSOW. Why did that guy allow a rep to cause so much havoc?
Actually, the first DBM you reference, was PROMOTED to AE. Had strong track record, multiple COE winner as a DBM and has carried on that success into the AE role. Please do not lump this person into the same conversation as those other loser 3 Wichita DBM's, that actually did get fired from the company.