Why would anyone in the HC industry be against HC reform?

Stop calling people Moron. You sound very........
Healthcare reps. income, medical company CEO's making millions per year and health related company profits are through the roof at the expense of the taxpayer. Everyone looking to get rich on the backs of those needing healthcare are bloodsuckers.
Free market means, sue everyone, overcharge for health insurance, companies and reps get rich, lawyers costs inflate the cost etc etc. Great system. Pigs get slaughtered at some point.
Private health industry charges the taxpayer top dollar here in America for the same products sold overseas or in Canada. That is why drugs and devices cost a lot less outside of the USA. Our country is in trouble and all you want is more people to help you make more money!!!
First let's stop screwing our own country then perhaps make the other arguments on healthcare reform.
We develop medical products here, we make it here and we charge America the highest prices.
These are our great American people and companies????

Capitalism Gone Manic. Greed taking over will destroy decency.

Capitalism Gone Manic. Greed taking over will destroy decency.

First of all, it is the lack of decency that allows for greed. Secondly, the largest stock-pile of greed can be found in none other than our own federal government. Lastly, it is only the free-market system that can limit the impact of greed.

Time to take Morons to school.... hop on the bus.
The more capitalism that America embraces, the more competitive it can and will be...
As we have allowed the liberals to move our society away from capitalism and toward socialism, America has lost its ability to compete.
Socialism by its very definition discourages competition…..
Now which country are you prepared to relocate to that can touch America’s standard of living, quality of life, productiveness, overall wealth, etc., etc., etc????

Novembers elections should be some clue to EVEN a MORON such as yourself that America is sick and tired of the Democrats relentless pursuit of socialism. Most Americans would like to return to the principles of a Constitutional Republic…. But I don’t expect you even know what that means.

Now tell us again how America is similar to Nazi-Germany.
Your views are simplistic and incorrect, and, you sound like an idiot. Obama 2012, time to move this country forward.

This guy is a total Michael Moore Drone.... he has no idea why America is the greatest country in the history of the world. He lacks a complete understanding of American Exceptionalism. He can't debate substance, he wants to debate himself over Fox News and Liimbaugh.... who is even talking about Fox News and Limbuagh? We are talking about saving our country from a full-on assault from the socialist left. Now growup you Moron and comprehend that Socialism has a record of failure so blatant that ONLY a MORON such as yourself could overlook it.

Does your definition of "exceptional" include people dying in hospitals because they don't have insurance?

Does your definition of "exceptional" include people dying in hospitals because they don't have insurance?

People die in hospitals all the time and nothing will ever stop that regardless of their insurance status. WTF does that have to do with American Exceptionalism? You had better go lookup and learn what American Exceptionalism is. You sound like a complete idiot.

To the IDIOT who asked this question.

because there will be a TAX on all MEDICAL Equipment and PRODUCTS sold. This means this cost will be passed along to the consumer.

Worse yet, IF Obama Momma wins reelection, he will come up with a law to block that, so...your company will have npo choice but to LAY you OFF..

That is it enough said.

You DOLT!!

Vote: Anyone but Obama Momma