Why would a company the size of JnJ...

Juicy J

Why would this company allow politicians to stand on the graves of dead victims and push their party’s political agenda? As a person of color it disturbs me that an RBD would be given the company microphone and try to compare his fear of coming out of the closet to a man being murdered in the street. And then say it’s republicans fault. No one who saw that video would think that was an ok act... murder is not a political party side.


Why would this company allow politicians to stand on the graves of dead victims and push their party’s political agenda? As a person of color it disturbs me that an RBD would be given the company microphone and try to compare his fear of coming out of the closet to a man being murdered in the street. And then say it’s republicans fault. No one who saw that video would think that was an ok act... murder is not a political party side.

Uhhhhhhh.... nice knowing you Juicy.... it’s obviously hate speech to have a different opinion than a Dem lol.

I’m laughing about this. This is the company that squeezed out the older white guys and replaced them across the board with minority young females. And you think it’s a conservative company? They are playing a Trump like a harp from hell. 5 years from now they will be burning WLM flags on center stage.

None of this matters. This type of job is about to disappear into oblivion, or it will be a menially paying job just requiring a high school education.

But as for me: I milked JBI until it was dry, so I'm just enjoying kicking back and waiting for my big fat severance check. The stock market is doing great and my options and stock are through the roof.

Now excuse me while I pour some scotch and light up a quality stick. Loving life!

None of this matters. This type of job is about to disappear into oblivion, or it will be a menially paying job just requiring a high school education.

But as for me: I milked JBI until it was dry, so I'm just enjoying kicking back and waiting for my big fat severance check. The stock market is doing great and my options and stock are through the roof.

Now excuse me while I pour some scotch and light up a quality stick. Loving life!
Nobody who chimes on an anonymous board "LOVING LIFE!!" is actually in anyway loving life. You and your stick must know this, yes?

I for one am tired of every conversation having to address race. Enough already let’s move on. CNS leadership is like the island of misfit toys now. I’m sure Courtney was picked on as a child. How far this franchise has fallen from the jewel of a specialty force to the joke it is now. Leadership that has never sold in front of customers, the infusion of the primary care mentality and mediocre management that have no clue makes it unbearable. Can’t wait for the credo survey next round.

I for one am tired of every conversation having to address race. Enough already let’s move on. CNS leadership is like the island of misfit toys now. I’m sure Courtney was picked on as a child. How far this franchise has fallen from the jewel of a specialty force to the joke it is now. Leadership that has never sold in front of customers, the infusion of the primary care mentality and mediocre management that have no clue makes it unbearable. Can’t wait for the credo survey next round.
So, lemme get this straight.

Your plan is to sit on all your whiny, righteous, self centered dissatisfaction and wait patiently to channel it though an annual survey, and you're lamenting the mediocrity of management?

Sounds about white.

So, lemme get this straight.

Your plan is to sit on all your whiny, righteous, self centered dissatisfaction and wait patiently to channel it though an annual survey, and you're lamenting the mediocrity of management?

Sounds about white.

Yep. I’m above burning stuff, looting and destroying statues. It’s funny how people at this company making north of 100k lament how unfair life is and discrimination. Get over yourself and just do your damn job.

Yep. I’m above burning stuff, looting and destroying statues. It’s funny how people at this company making north of 100k lament how unfair life is and discrimination. Get over yourself and just do your damn job.
Who said anything about looting or destroying anything?

The point is for you to look in the mirror. You bitch about being "so over the race thing" on an anonymous message board because you are too afraid to make the comments to your management or co-workers faces. Your grand plan is literally wait for a meaningless annual survey to arrive in order to feel safe enough to make your disgust known, again anonymously in your subgroup. You sit back and judge the lack of leadership surrounding you, while being a poster child for mediocrity yourself.

So, with all that being inarguable, who exactly in this scenario needs to get over himself?

Who said anything about looting or destroying anything?

The point is for you to look in the mirror. You bitch about being "so over the race thing" on an anonymous message board because you are too afraid to make the comments to your management or co-workers faces. Your grand plan is literally wait for a meaningless annual survey to arrive in order to feel safe enough to make your disgust known, again anonymously in your subgroup. You sit back and judge the lack of leadership surrounding you, while being a poster child for mediocrity yourself.

So, with all that being inarguable, who exactly in this scenario needs to get over himself?

If you get to the point in this company when you can buy a Porsche, you will be equal no matter what color you are. It's not about race, but about the things we can buy. Once a black person can buy a nice Rolex or Porsche or second home, they will be equal. And that is what we all want. I truly want to hear that my black co worker was able to buy a nice car like a Porsche or Audi, and that they were able to lord it over their neighbors no matter what color just like I do at the people in my community. Yes, I know its a gate community and that makes it even better.
It's not about what color you are, but what you CAN AFFORD. That makes the difference.

Thank you J and J for teaching me that.

If you get to the point in this company when you can buy a Porsche, you will be equal no matter what color you are. It's not about race, but about the things we can buy. Once a black person can buy a nice Rolex or Porsche or second home, they will be equal. And that is what we all want. I truly want to hear that my black co worker was able to buy a nice car like a Porsche or Audi, and that they were able to lord it over their neighbors no matter what color just like I do at the people in my community. Yes, I know its a gate community and that makes it even better.
It's not about what color you are, but what you CAN AFFORD. That makes the difference.

Thank you J and J for teaching me that.


Audi?! LOL.

OK, Boomer.

All of these "I'm living the high life!" posts are hysterical. Every one of them read straight out of an 80s movie parading a long list of bygone status symbols and are clearly written by someone who's a) very old and b) very much not living a high life.



Audi?! LOL.

OK, Boomer.

All of these "I'm living the high life!" posts are hysterical. Every one of them read straight out of an 80s movie parading a long list of bygone status symbols and are clearly written by someone who's a) very old and b) very much not living a high life.

Have you ever driven a BMW M series? I just bought one and it’s freakin awesome! It’s so much fun. Not a boomer either.

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