Why won't Nicole call me back???

If NC is the "worst" and "LM over powers her" why would anyone be upset about not getting a call back, why would you not call "LM"? or "anyone" instead of her. Everyone on here feels NC is no good, "protected" , and "worthless". Why then does Everybody get upset about what she does and doesn't do? , even if she was "given the position" she is in why would all of the brilliant "LabCrap" sales reps need her "HELP!!!!!!" when there are so many "other???" people that are better? , smarter? , more knowledgeable? and more deserving? of the position she is in rather then her????????

You're over thinking this (@9:58)

It appears you are the one that needs a life. It is obvious you are one of N.C.'s Zombies. Drank the kool aid. Probably not married, work all the time and you do not have a life of your own. It's just not that important!

Come to think of it. Why does N.C. only hire Minorities? Could it be? Hmmmmm, H.R. needs to really look into this. With so many law suites against LabCorp. This could be fun! Karma, it's a Bitch!

OMG, people are accused of overthinking (@10:56) when all that's being said is the truth , but it's ok to psycho-analyze (@7:13) someone to the point of their marital status and work habits and then telling them to get a life because "it's just not that important!" yet took the time to log on, read the thread and post themselves when you should be busy with your family? , getting ready for work? Do you have a life?

"H.R. needs to look into this" (@7:20) , your post has some strong accusations, it's funny to me how people will say anything they want when they hide behind a message board, I would be curious if the same thing would come out of your mouth if everyone on here knew who you where!! , in fact let me step it up by saying call H.R. anonymously and ask them to look into it?? Or do you realize your have no idea of what your talking about and enjoy the fact you can lie about it and hide behind your keyboard!!!!!!

To all the reply's about "hater-aid" , I not only agree completely but will add to it: people love to put others down like their perfect when they need to look in the mirror and understand their just jealous, want too hate for no reason and are too ignorant to realize it!!

Just been watching this board from afar. I am assuming all of you are Sales people. How do you have time to waste during Prime selling time? Yes, I work for LabCorp and I am in Management. Just saying.... Nicole is a hard worker and well liked at Corporate.

Just been watching this board from afar. I am assuming all of you are Sales people. How do you have time to waste during Prime selling time? Yes, I work for LabCorp and I am in Management. Just saying.... Nicole is a hard worker and well liked at Corporate.

I tune in for entertainment and at times enjoy some hardy rhetorical pugilism. I think Nicole has some major support within this thread and her criticism therefore fizzled. I don’t know if ‘hater-aid’ was created by the pro-Nicole contingent, but Kudos for that response.

The majority of the readers will never know if the criticism of her within this thread is warranted. I worked for Labcorp and held similar positions and probably have been in national meetings with Nicole. As many LabCorpians know, if someone in sales, sales leadership or operations has a bad reputation, the entire company knows about it. This is the stuff of the Labcorp culture.

That said, Nicole’s name was only mentioned in a good light over the many years of my tenure. Believe me; she would have been marked if she got to where she’s at now being less than stellar.

This will be my only warm and fuzzy contribution to this board. I will now continue with my smart-ass, but light-hearted replies.

Since Vince took over, the whole merger has been about race. Name me one South Central employee that was not in a protected class that made the transition to the new Southeast. Now look at the make up that did. Vince, black male, Nicole, black female, Rudy, Hispanic male, Parthia, black female, Jorge, hispanic male, Jane, over 40 female, Denise, over 40 female. Tell me why know white males made the cut LOL....pull your head out of your ass if you don't think race has anything to do with it. VB likes to control females, and hates white males....unless he can brown nose them like he does Jay.

That's what I have been saying, but everyone on here must be black and work for them. Corporate H.R. needs to look into this. I am actually thinking of filing a law suite. My Attorney is looking into the detail that I have provided. It does pay to keep notes, dates, times and witness's of actual events.

I am an outsider whose lab uses LabCorp for sendouts. After reading your threads, and seeing the company representatives spewing such anger and hatred, I am now am worried about ever using Labcorp again!

Great observation. Everybody has left in sales or is leaving. The working conditions and expectations are ridiculous. Too many other quality labs out there, use anybody buy LabCrap. Quality and TAT sucks. It is all about the money and they do not care about their own people.