Why won't Nicole call me back???

P.T. is a recycled Quest rep. and now one of her clonies. Corporate does not like her and neither do all of our reps. You can not trust her, she gives us nothing but B.S. and smirks during our meetings.

You all are ridiculous. Get a back bone-grow up. Why won't she call me back(in my two year old voice) the problems you are having can more than likely be solved on your own if you had a brain. All of you need to get over yourselves. You have no idea what this woman goes through on a DAILY basis. Yes 24/7! Walk a mile in her shoes before you decide you want to be racist, and discriminate. You call yourselves adults?? Please my 12 year old gas more maturity and sense than any one of you WORTHLESS IDOITS. Check yourself before you decide YOU are better than anyone else. Because one thing I know for sure is that neither one of you can hold a candle to NICOLE even of it was glued to your hands! You have no idea how hard this woman has worked to get to where she is and yet and still has to endure ridicule from worthless ingrates like you! GET A LIFE--or better yet --do your job and stop hatin on the one who's job you want!

You all are ridiculous. Get a back bone-grow up. Why won't she call me back(in my two year old voice) the problems you are having can more than likely be solved on your own if you had a brain. All of you need to get over yourselves. You have no idea what this woman goes through on a DAILY basis. Yes 24/7! Walk a mile in her shoes before you decide you want to be racist, and discriminate. You call yourselves adults?? Please my 12 year old gas more maturity and sense than any one of you WORTHLESS IDOITS. Check yourself before you decide YOU are better than anyone else. Because one thing I know for sure is that neither one of you can hold a candle to NICOLE even of it was glued to your hands! You have no idea how hard this woman has worked to get to where she is and yet and still has to endure ridicule from worthless ingrates like you! GET A LIFE--or better yet --do your job and stop hatin on the one who's job you want!

Oh my! You must be one of the Kool Aide drinkers in her regime.

You all are ridiculous. Get a back bone-grow up. Why won't she call me back(in my two year old voice) the problems you are having can more than likely be solved on your own if you had a brain. All of you need to get over yourselves. You have no idea what this woman goes through on a DAILY basis. Yes 24/7! Walk a mile in her shoes before you decide you want to be racist, and discriminate. You call yourselves adults?? Please my 12 year old gas more maturity and sense than any one of you WORTHLESS IDOITS. Check yourself before you decide YOU are better than anyone else. Because one thing I know for sure is that neither one of you can hold a candle to NICOLE even of it was glued to your hands! You have no idea how hard this woman has worked to get to where she is and yet and still has to endure ridicule from worthless ingrates like you! GET A LIFE--or better yet --do your job and stop hatin on the one who's job you want!

For you to bring racism into this goes to show that you are nothing but a bigger fool. Discrimination is not the issue here.

Well said Nicole!

Can't believe she finally responded to something. It does not matter how hard you work when you get nothing done. Just empty promises. Let's face it, she is in way over her head. She will never go any higher, in fact I hear from my Flordia friends she may be on the way out.

If discrimination is not the issue (@8:23) what exactly is "the Obama of LabCrap" and why would you want to be working for a company named "Crap" (@3:29), furthermore for someone with friends in Florida (@8:37) you cant even spell the name of the state which brings up something else (@8:37),NC has been on her "way out" since C.F. began , 25 years with one company and dozens of sales awards later she is still standing so maybe if you knew how too sell something yourself you wouldn't be hating so bad , oh I forgot you cant spell so I know you cant sell !!!!!!

Finally some people posting with some common sense (@9:06) And to respond to me not being classy(@9:18)...you keep proving my point in regards to you being a complete idiot so please...go to bed-go find another job if you are that unhappy. What is this blog for anyway? Shouldn't you be networking or something? Be apart of the solution not the problem.

If NC is the "worst" and "LM over powers her" why would anyone be upset about not getting a call back, why would you not call "LM"? or "anyone" instead of her. Everyone on here feels NC is no good, "protected" , and "worthless". Why then does Everybody get upset about what she does and doesn't do? , even if she was "given the position" she is in why would all of the brilliant "LabCrap" sales reps need her "HELP!!!!!!" when there are so many "other???" people that are better? , smarter? , more knowledgeable? and more deserving? of the position she is in rather then her????????