Why we should all be let go from ADC


Lets be honest - what all of our jobs boil down to is the micromanagement of chaos. Chaos that exists because of a total lack leadership from our President, and the resulting inability of this organization to unite around a common goal (other than the common goal of "cover your ass").

Under normal circumstances, we would have competent leadership, there wouldnt be as much (or any chaos), and we would all be out of a job. Of course - this excludes the job functions that are essential to our business like manufacturing strips, supply chain/planning, finance, cleaning the toilets/vacuuming the floors, changing lightbulbs etc.


Lets be honest - what all of our jobs boil down to is the micromanagement of chaos. Chaos that exists because of a total lack leadership from our President, and the resulting inability of this organization to unite around a common goal (other than the common goal of "cover your ass").

Under normal circumstances, we would have competent leadership, there wouldnt be as much (or any chaos), and we would all be out of a job. Of course - this excludes the job functions that are essential to our business like manufacturing strips, supply chain/planning, finance, cleaning the toilets/vacuuming the floors, changing lightbulbs etc.

Not sure what your point is. Yes, lack of leadership results in poor management, which can lead to chaos. Why would elimination of that put you out of a job?

If you are in Sales, you are living under more than simply "bad management" inspired chaos. You have a dysfunctional management team of completely incompetent sycophants, lead by a narcissist who also happens to have almost no morals, the maturity of a 8 year old combined with the libido of an 18 year old, with the added complexity of perhaps being unsure of his sexual orientation.

There is a common goal: to deliver Corporate the most profit possible as revenue declines and the company tries to get out of this business. RF, Madam, and their op coms are very clear on this. Recent developments in the industry means a faster decline in revenue, meaning more drastic cuts in spending are needed. Fortunately, these same changes mean ADC will not need much of a sales force, certainly no detailing.

"CYA" is a core to Abbott culture as the the "basement" at the Park and PIP's. It has nothing to do with chaos.

The chaos within sales, or prevalent in Alameda is acceptable, and simply an acceptable side effect of ADC's slow implosion. In other words, it is not the cause of the implosion, but an effect.

Thanks Suresh. Great explanation. Can someone please translate?

I think he means Dunky only cares about himself, will jump on anything that has a pulse, and his direct reports are incompetents that are just there to amuse Dunky and feed his ego. Madam and RF know all this but could care less as long as Dunky goes through the motions of making it look like we have selling going on. All Madam and Robert want is their pay check and reward after the they turn out the lights, which is perhaps on a faster track than now.

The other post said the "chaos" being caused by Dunky's incompetence, and is the reason ADC is falling apart and laying off. I think the post below says Dunky & the boy's incompetence is causing the chaos, but that is not the reason ADC is laying people off. The reason for that is what's happening in Pharma, combined with meters becoming a commodity business, and now Obamacare and bidding. As a result of that, regardless of what Abbott does with ADC, meter companies won't look anything like they do today because this will be all about lowest cost and winning bids. No need for a sales force.

That allows Dunky free reign to create the chaos: he just needs to keep us here making calls and otherwise busy, i.e distracted, while he gradually reduces the sales organization to zero.

Not sure what your point is. Yes, lack of leadership results in poor management, which can lead to chaos. Why would elimination of that put you out of a job?

If you are in Sales, you are living under more than simply "bad management" inspired chaos. You have a dysfunctional management team of completely incompetent sycophants, lead by a narcissist who also happens to have almost no morals, the maturity of a 8 year old combined with the libido of an 18 year old, with the added complexity of perhaps being unsure of his sexual orientation.

There is a common goal: to deliver Corporate the most profit possible as revenue declines and the company tries to get out of this business. RF, Madam, and their op coms are very clear on this. Recent developments in the industry means a faster decline in revenue, meaning more drastic cuts in spending are needed. Fortunately, these same changes mean ADC will not need much of a sales force, certainly no detailing.

"CYA" is a core to Abbott culture as the the "basement" at the Park and PIP's. It has nothing to do with chaos.

The chaos within sales, or prevalent in Alameda is acceptable, and simply an acceptable side effect of ADC's slow implosion. In other words, it is not the cause of the implosion, but an effect.

Thanks Suresh. Great explanation. Can someone please translate?

I think he means Dunky only cares about himself, will jump on anything that has a pulse, and his direct reports are incompetents that are just there to amuse Dunky and feed his ego. Madam and RF know all this but could care less as long as Dunky goes through the motions of making it look like we have selling going on. All Madam and Robert want is their pay check and reward after the they turn out the lights, which is perhaps on a faster track than now.

The other post said the "chaos" being caused by Dunky's incompetence, and is the reason ADC is falling apart and laying off. I think the post below says Dunky & the boy's incompetence is causing the chaos, but that is not the reason ADC is laying people off. The reason for that is what's happening in Pharma, combined with meters becoming a commodity business, and now Obamacare and bidding. As a result of that, regardless of what Abbott does with ADC, meter companies won't look anything like they do today because this will be all about lowest cost and winning bids. No need for a sales force.

That allows Dunky free reign to create the chaos: he just needs to keep us here making calls and otherwise busy, i.e distracted, while he gradually reduces the sales organization to zero.

Not sure what your point is. Yes, lack of leadership results in poor management, which can lead to chaos. Why would elimination of that put you out of a job?

If you are in Sales, you are living under more than simply "bad management" inspired chaos. You have a dysfunctional management team of completely incompetent sycophants, lead by a narcissist who also happens to have almost no morals, the maturity of a 8 year old combined with the libido of an 18 year old, with the added complexity of perhaps being unsure of his sexual orientation.

There is a common goal: to deliver Corporate the most profit possible as revenue declines and the company tries to get out of this business. RF, Madam, and their op coms are very clear on this. Recent developments in the industry means a faster decline in revenue, meaning more drastic cuts in spending are needed. Fortunately, these same changes mean ADC will not need much of a sales force, certainly no detailing.

"CYA" is a core to Abbott culture as the the "basement" at the Park and PIP's. It has nothing to do with chaos.

The chaos within sales, or prevalent in Alameda is acceptable, and simply an acceptable side effect of ADC's slow implosion. In other words, it is not the cause of the implosion, but an effect.

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