why the delay?

I'll say it again...Q4 is time cuts will be made...come on! people on vacation (that's good for company burning up vacation time they won't have to reimburse at layoff).... still got meetings to fly to, teleconferences, the last minute "what if we rejigger the the numbers?",, some key executive team guys jump ship early..the list goes on..this isn't ordering a pizza, it'll take some time..so chill out or as the DM's like to say..'control what you can control'..

Specialty rep here,

If you are one of those shithead FPCers you should be shivering in your boots. If you are a producer and a hard closer like myself, you have nothing to worry about. The company recognizes who is who and I know for sure I will be fine. Everyone knows the specialty reps drive the business over here. All I need to know is what color Actavis' Pclub jackets are ... So I can plan accordingly.

Me Green Jacket.

Sure did!

August 1st is when the full change is made and all is made public to everyone.

August 1st, as was stated on both conference calls.

No delay.

The email actually states that integration and changes BEGIN on August 1. August 1 isn't when we simply hear about what is going happen....Aug 1 is when things actually happrn. The email also states that we will hear the plan over the next few weeks leading up to the 1st.

No delay, no pause.

I'd be taking you're money if you bet on layoffs happening in August (or even announced)...sure they'll be some corporate gobble-de-gook issued about "a great new exciting future that requires some short term actions which may affect some of you" ... buy your Tday turkey now for the freezer...you be glad you did.