Why so many open territories

Why would I call on non-targets when that's what I've been getting hammered for. Too high non-target to target ratio. Oh, I forgot that's the only way we're gonna continue to sell Vascepa until some White Knight comes along and saves us from our top notch sales management team.

I'd be more concerned about a company that posts jobs of reps that are still working. Be willing to bet they're even interviewing while the reps are still working too!!!

The tool in Texas post jobs of current reps on backpage. He must think
that it's cool or gets off on this stuff. He probably interviews strippers
In hotels as well.

There are jobs cause Vitt hires assholes as mgrs & then they get whacked. EW being the best example. Took over a 9 rep district less than year ago & only 2 are left. All but one cut because "sales were unacceptable" but they had no quality managed care coverage till after the bloodshed.

If you ask questions or say anything about the lack of quality managed care coverage you are a target for Vitts immoral outrage. That's why lot of reps have been whacked.

I had the displeasure to "work" with old Vitt one day. The poor man went to the restroom and came back with a big urine spot on his pants. I didn't known whether to laugh or cry!

in some territories they have had as many as 3-4 reps in 3 years which is not a great sign. Nothing against the company, my time there was great.
They don't recruit correctly, hell bent on finding people with huge cardiology experience and most with 3+ years of cardiology won't settle for a $65,000. The applicants take the position and continue to find a position in cardiology that pays a base of 95,000 + many were recruited over by Regeneron / Sanof-Aventis.
Amarin should be realistic with their recruiting, it would be to their advantage to hire great salespeople with good relationships not emphasize Cardio experience so much.

I'd be more concerned about a company that posts jobs of reps that are still working. Be willing to bet they're even interviewing while the reps are still working too!!!

This is 100% TRUTH. I know for fact they did post and interview for SP's to replace currently working SP's who were never explicitly told their jobs were in jeopardy.