are there no opinions on this new ridiculous test taking joke??? its absolutely absurd to be paid on tests and not numbers? where is everyone??
are there no opinions on this new ridiculous test taking joke??? its absolutely absurd to be paid on tests and not numbers? where is everyone??
No one is talking because we don't care anymore
Sooo over this place. Really looking forward to whatever the next adventure in my life is going to be..but I do know this farce we've been living at this so called derm company has come to a rediculous and truly sad end. Thanks Charlie, you really looked out for those that helped your company look attractive enough to buy. Bill, please get some balls and do somthing before everyone just leaves, GSCrap has not one fucking idea how dermatology works.
Charlie got almost 4 billion dollars for this company so he did the right thing by selling it. Whoever the genius is at GSK who pulled the trigger on Stiefel should be fired immediately.
To the d-bag who said we should be happy with our jobs and shut up. I'm making almost 100k in base and another 20-30 in bonus but I have pride and would like to sell. So go f*ck yourself you loser. Have some dignity!
ONE HUNDRED % on the MARK! Its all about a sense of dignity that has been sucked out of what used to be a place we were once proud to work for.[/QU
Must be all woman on this board, talk about high mantienance. You get paid every two weeks, free car, free gas and good benefits, take the tests and simulations, fake the calls go to the beach take up golf and stop bitching. I love my job.