Why is the morale in this co so low?

Agree with the last two posters 27 year employee in management who was let go in Dec. Never received a bad performance review in my career, won every award a Manager could win in this company including Master's Club and yet the OU's came, people who did not know the business came in and destroyed whole Regions and then left. They destroyed productive careers and the people who drove the success of the company. This company now reaps what it was allowed to sow. I actually feel sorry for all the people left in what once and up and coming organization

- maybe because we have lost trust in this company. How can our leaders continue to say no lay offs- and then several days later lay off 1500!
- maybe because the people that do goals have outdated templates and the goals do not match what is realistic. How can everyone in the company be not making goal and it's not the goal setting? Who takes accountability for poorly created goals?
- Maybe because we continue to hire people from outside the industry to lead this company at high levels and they continue to be clueless..Why can't you learn this industry and our business? I have to learn new products, customers and new territory dynamics all the time and you still can't figure out pharma 101? How many years do you get to be incompetent?
-maybe because I don't ever know how I am measured. The goals are so unrealistic one can't evaluate performance based upon meeting goal...Data is always screwed up, so when I see sales numbers we don't even know what's accurate, my pool that I'm rated against keeps changing..so it's a free for all as to where I'm ranked and MIRs are changed all the time. You can be ranked at top top 30% on one month and a month later go back to that same MIR it's changed to 35%.....
- when problems occur with my MIR it takes months before I get a response of rectification on the issue. Unacceptable.
- complete lack of communication..we have more e-mails, vm than ever and yet the basic communication that I need from my manager doesn't exist
- people are focused on interviewing for the next job, as Novartis isn't truthful about layoffs or even about what we realistically need for a sales force moving forward.
- maybe because you bring in new products that have almost zero clinical benefit and then blame the sales force for not making it fly!

that's just a start..

This seems to be the operative question asked of the field reps by the managers that went to EH a couple weeks back. Is this a manager asking the question?

This was once a fine organization and an enjoyable place to work. Not so much anymore as the posts attest.

The morale is so low because the people that are left and witnessed the caliber of people that were "displaced" realize that is just a matter of time before they are let go. Why work hard, buy into the marketing schemes, or give a shit for that matter when your days are numbered.