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Why is Pfizer not using iPads; stuck on 20th century laptop innovtion

You sales reps are unfucking real.

Wah wah they're tracking where we are by our car/secure ID/laptop

But now you WANT the device that actually HAS that capability?

The reason you still have a laptop and not an ipad is because the ipad is not "there" yet in terms of replacing a laptop. No real file system, a wide open app store (which incidentally has apps in it that would violate compliance rules), and an overall restrictive existence make it an "add on" rather than an "instead of". The iPad is a device for consuming, not creating - and if you're doing your job you SHOULD be creating materials.

Wah wah I want an ipad wah wah wah.

You sales reps are unfucking real.

Wah wah they're tracking where we are by our car/secure ID/laptop

But now you WANT the device that actually HAS that capability?

The reason you still have a laptop and not an ipad is because the ipad is not "there" yet in terms of replacing a laptop. No real file system, a wide open app store (which incidentally has apps in it that would violate compliance rules), and an overall restrictive existence make it an "add on" rather than an "instead of". The iPad is a device for consuming, not creating - and if you're doing your job you SHOULD be creating materials.

Wah wah I want an ipad wah wah wah.

Nice Posting! You hit it on the head. Instead of the whining about lesser technology. Perhaps these reps should get off their duff and actually put in a day's work. Tick tock! Tick Tock! The clock is moving ever so much closer to soup lines and government cheese for the reps.

You sales reps are unfucking real.

Wah wah they're tracking where we are by our car/secure ID/laptop

But now you WANT the device that actually HAS that capability?

The reason you still have a laptop and not an ipad is because the ipad is not "there" yet in terms of replacing a laptop. No real file system, a wide open app store (which incidentally has apps in it that would violate compliance rules), and an overall restrictive existence make it an "add on" rather than an "instead of". The iPad is a device for consuming, not creating - and if you're doing your job you SHOULD be creating materials.

Wah wah I want an ipad wah wah wah.

Look who is doing the whining, whiner. You've got a bad case of who moved my cheese, old timer.

Yeah, if it were up to you Pfizer would still be using the 500 B.C. paper method to record calls.

well yes, I would prefer paper and non-computer sales presentation material, but that's not the point.

Do you own an iPAD? Do you have any idea how they operate or what they're designed for? It's not conducive to what Pfizer wants to do for several reasons. One of the previous posts put it pretty well. The iPAD is designed for consumption not creation. Hell, you have to plug an iPAD into a laptop just to update it and enable certain functions....you want an iPAD because you think it's cool. Use your brain.

well yes, I would prefer paper and non-computer sales presentation material, but that's not the point.

Do you own an iPAD? Do you have any idea how they operate or what they're designed for? It's not conducive to what Pfizer wants to do for several reasons. One of the previous posts put it pretty well. The iPAD is designed for consumption not creation. Hell, you have to plug an iPAD into a laptop just to update it and enable certain functions....you want an iPAD because you think it's cool. Use your brain.

iPad for consumption and not creation? Do you own an iPad? Ever hear an the App store?

Never mind, I'm sure it can't be used for sales presentations either.......

iPad for consumption and not creation? Do you own an iPad? Ever hear an the App store?

Never mind, I'm sure it can't be used for sales presentations either.......

You're joking right? The App Store?....THATS CONSUMPTION YOU r*****!!!!

As far as using it for presentations goes, of course it can be used for presentation, but, if you had any clue at all, you'd know that's not all Pfizer uses the laptop for. Right, wrong or indifferent Pfizer wants the laptops to be used for all kinds of things from creating reports, to managing data, to tracking calls and sales. These are things that the iPAD is not designed for. You post a stupid link to an apple site showing the iPAD used in med device sales, but that has little to nothing to do with pharma sales (especially the way Pfizer does things).

Get a clue. Some people on here really are functionally retarded.

iPad for consumption and not creation? Do you own an iPad? Ever hear an the App store?

Never mind, I'm sure it can't be used for sales presentations either.......

Did you watch the video and read the article on this link? This isn't something that is relevant to Pharma nor is it something Pfizer can do.

- The two main uses of this for medtronic are visualization of the how the devices work, and a comprehensive, real time ordering system. Docs don't need to see how our drugs work (nor do we even know for the most part) and we as reps don't order anything for docs. It's Pharma promotion, not device sales.

- Medtronic uses the iPAD mostly with their own in-house developed apps. Doing so is made much easier by the fact that they don't live under anywhere near the same legal and compliance restraints that pharma does. Can you imagine if Pfizer wanted to run it's sales business through in-house created iPAD apps? Do you have any idea how many regulatory and QC measures that would require to satisfy the government?

It's a neat link, but Pfizer isn't dropping the ball on this. iPAD isn't a good fit for the pharma sales industry for many reasons that you and the OP either didn't consider or don't understand.

Did you watch the video and read the article on this link? This isn't something that is relevant to Pharma nor is it something

It's a neat link, but Pfizer isn't dropping the ball on this. iPAD isn't a good fit for the
sales industry for many reasons that you and the OP either didn't consider or don't understand.

iPad is a term used to refer to tablet devices. The iPad may not be ideal for use but it doesn't mean that samsung or other brands are not.

The laptop the field uses now is cumbersome, freezes, inflexible and a turn off to customers. It's a real problem and in typical Pfizer fashion, someone proposes a creative solution and others are there to squash it, insult the proposal and the one who proposed it, then vigorously defends the status quo.

If you ever wonder why R&D can't innovate it's way out of a cardboard box, here is your answer.

Did you watch the video and read the article on this link? This isn't something that is relevant to Pharma nor is it something Pfizer can do.

- The two main uses of this for medtronic are visualization of the how the devices work, and a comprehensive, real time ordering system. Docs don't need to see how our drugs work (nor do we even know for the most part) and we as reps don't order anything for docs. It's Pharma promotion, not device sales.

- Medtronic uses the iPAD mostly with their own in-house developed apps. Doing so is made much easier by the fact that they don't live under anywhere near the same legal and compliance restraints that pharma does. Can you imagine if Pfizer wanted to run it's sales business through in-house created iPAD apps? Do you have any idea how many regulatory and QC measures that would require to satisfy the government?

It's a neat link, but Pfizer isn't dropping the ball on this. iPAD isn't a good fit for the pharma sales industry for many reasons that you and the OP either didn't consider or don't understand.

Yeah, but the MOA slide on Lyrica would really pop on the iPad. Cool!

iPad is a term used to refer to tablet devices. The iPad may not be ideal for use but it doesn't mean that samsung or other brands are not.

The laptop the field uses now is cumbersome, freezes, inflexible and a turn off to customers. It's a real problem and in typical Pfizer fashion, someone proposes a creative solution and others are there to squash it, insult the proposal and the one who proposed it, then vigorously defends the status quo.

If you ever wonder why R&D can't innovate it's way out of a cardboard box, here is your answer.

"iPAD is a term used to refer to tablet devices"? Are you fucking kidding? It's referring to THE IPAD, you idiot.

"iPAD is a term used to refer to tablet devices"? Are you fucking kidding? It's referring to THE IPAD, you idiot.

Google - verb-to search something on the Internet or Pronoun-name of a search engine company.

TIVO - verb-to record something on a DVR or Pronoun-name of a DVR manufacturer.

iPad - noun - name often used to refer to tablet PCs or Pronoun-the name of a tablet PC manufactured by Apple Computers.

Shall I go on. You literalists are the truly stupid ones. No vision, creativity or intelligence. Get over yourselves.

Google - verb-to search something on the Internet or Pronoun-name of a search engine company.

TIVO - verb-to record something on a DVR or Pronoun-name of a DVR manufacturer.

iPad - noun - name often used to refer to tablet PCs or Pronoun-the name of a tablet PC manufactured by Apple Computers.

Shall I go on. You literalists are the truly stupid ones. No vision, creativity or intelligence. Get over yourselves.

I literally know what you're saying, but you're way off. I guess we'll have to let TiVo and Apple and google know their patent has been ruled null and void by you, a pharma rep.

Next you'll say wiki says so, it must be true.

Sorry as a former King rep, I think we are all lucky to have a job. Why are you complaining about not having a IPAD? Anyways, if knew anything, you would know that IPAD does not have flash so therefore it can't play any of the ICUE pieces.

The more savvy management in Pfizer manufacturing has suggested using iPads to view procedures on the manufacturing floor but that's way beyond what the bean counters in NYC would allow. Something new? Forget it! Even the most basic of computer technology is hard for Pfizer to maintain.

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