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Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity!

Re: Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity

I pull the battery out and put the Genie back in the bottle. Stealthily done. How about you?

Paranoid pfizerettes and phizzez. There must be "just cause" for a warrant issuing access to your e-mails and text messages. Keep sweating!

Re: Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity

A lot of people probably don't remember, but we gave our written permission for this type of monitoring when we signed the the paperwork at the time we were issued our electronic devices. There were several pages and one had some fine print.

It's not very nice but yes, they can use this stuff to check up on us on our company issued equipment.

Re: Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity

Paranoid pfizerettes and phizzez. There must be "just cause" for a warrant issuing access to your e-mails and text messages. Keep sweating!

Hey, if Obama has a kill list and authorizes drone missions to kill Americans overseas and issues illegal warrant taps, anything is possible in Orwell times post-1984.

Re: Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity

There is a micro gps device embedded in your medical insurance card that you carry in your wallet. Do not carry it, leave it at home.

Re: Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity

A lot of people probably don't remember, but we gave our written permission for this type of monitoring when we signed the the paperwork at the time we were issued our electronic devices. There were several pages and one had some fine print.

It's not very nice but yes, they can use this stuff to check up on us on our company issued equipment.


Pfizer isn't the government. They dont need a judge to sign a warrant authorizng a wiretap on a phone that is THEIR PROPERTY. Same goes for laptops.

If you're doing what you're AUTHORIZED to be doing with company property, then there isnt anything for you to be concerned about, is there?

Re: Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity

This type of software cannot be remotely downloaded. This story is BS. Does Pfizer care about you? No. But they aren't going to break the law to listen in on worthless phone calls. Anyone remember Linda Tripp? It's illegal to record someone without their knowledge.

Re: Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity

This type of software cannot be remotely downloaded. This story is BS. Does Pfizer care about you? No. But they aren't going to break the law to listen in on worthless phone calls. Anyone remember Linda Tripp? It's illegal to record someone without their knowledge.

Truth! Amazing what reps fall for. You are not that important! You are not being recorded!

Re: Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity

Truth! Amazing what reps fall for. You are not that important! You are not being recorded!

True, you're not that important.

That said, most company's do have the capability to view e-mails, or listen in on phone call their employee's make on company's phones. What most have found is that the majority of employees are not doing anything inappropriate, so they don't bother to have someone wasting time constantly reading e-mails etc.

But if they have reason to suspect someone is abusing company policy with regard to using company computers or phones, then that individual could well be monitored. Monitoring is usually done on an exception basis, not across the board.

Re: Pfizer is using a company to spy on our cell phone activity

That was the plan Stan. Although I would use the product to bust my cheatin' wife. Why was this not on it's website (busting the cheating wife), with free advertisement, courtesy of the Pharma at the cafe!

Your wife and I are having a great time in the sheets, don't go ruining it now!!

Re: Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity

You paranoid freaks. Use your own phone and leave the company one at home if you're that scared they are all out to get you.

Can't leave it home because they track where you are through a GPS device. It would show that you're home all the time. Need to take 2 phones.

Re: Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity

Waaaaaah! My mean company is Spying on me! I just pooped my diapers. Sleepy now. Nighty night

Re: Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity

All pharmas monitor their reps. Big pharma has better systems in place to monitor reps than small pharma. But Pfizer has the best technology and is the KING of spying on the reps!

Re: Pfizer is using a company called "StealthGenie" to spy on our cell phone activity

I know first hand that new ipad puts down a GPS LAT&LONG everytime a sales call is made.

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