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SURE THERE IS NEGATIVITY ON EVERY SINGLE COMPANY BOARD. BUT, EISAI seems to have the most people who post here and most posts are terribly negative. Most seem to hate this Company and hate this job.

All pharma sucks, for the most part, and there is negativity on every board. Eisai seems to be the worst. I almost took a job with this Company, and I turned it down, and now I'm glad. The reason I turned it down was due to the Japanese influence, the micromanagement and the low pay.

Does anyone like working here? Why does it seem that most hate it and all they do is complain about everything?


SURE THERE IS NEGATIVITY ON EVERY SINGLE COMPANY BOARD. BUT, EISAI seems to have the most people who post here and most posts are terribly negative. Most seem to hate this Company and hate this job.

All pharma sucks, for the most part, and there is negativity on every board. Eisai seems to be the worst. I almost took a job with this Company, and I turned it down, and now I'm glad. The reason I turned it down was due to the Japanese influence, the micromanagement and the low pay.

Does anyone like working here? Why does it seem that most hate it and all they do is complain about everything?

It's not the Japanese who make this place bad, it's the Americans at the helm. Company has terrible self-serving non-leaders with no vision, whose pay grade is way above their competency, They have formed a mutually supportive clique to keep their jobs so there is no chance of change just the continued decline of the company.

SURE THERE IS NEGATIVITY ON EVERY SINGLE COMPANY BOARD. BUT, EISAI seems to have the most people who post here and most posts are terribly negative. Most seem to hate this Company and hate this job.

All pharma sucks, for the most part, and there is negativity on every board. Eisai seems to be the worst. I almost took a job with this Company, and I turned it down, and now I'm glad. The reason I turned it down was due to the Japanese influence, the micromanagement and the low pay.

Does anyone like working here? Why does it seem that most hate it and all they do is complain about everything?

Because the company over the years was getting low morale and bad decisions; hiring unnecessary people who ruined the business.

Take your pick - betrayal, lack of integrity, cronyism, zero accountability in the senior ranks, missed opportunities to bring in premier talent that could transform the company and take it to the next level and/or conspiracy against those "outsiders" who did come with brains and pedigree by the good ol' boys, total lack of insight and strategic vision, deception, tainting of every employee who has to list the discredited Eisai name on their resume, etc.

because eisai lies, lies, lies! 25% layoff no wait 42% layoff we just didn't care to do the math. eisai will layoff, relocate employees or promote them to then layoff the same people they uprooted & promoted. doesn't matter your sales or ranking just who they prefer or don't discriminate against. twice a year layoffs and each time it is "the last" really we are a little smarter than that. if anyone survives reality we'll face this same time same place next year. thanks eisai for f*ing with us. continue with all the lies

I, too, think this is the most negative board. I don't work for EISAI, but I did interview. I checked out CP, and I thought..."wow--something must be wrong with this Company". I chose a different company with better pay and I'm fairly happy. The Company I work for micromanages, but it seems like Eisai may micromanage even more.

I notice a lot of negativity on all the boards, but this one,,,I'd agree,,,, seems the worst.

All Pharma lay off reps. It's not just Eisai. All pharma "lies" so you all need to realize it's not just Eisai.

What's the pay range anyway now? They tried to tell me the max was 79 after having 12 years experience. I thought that really to be low. I'm making 20 k more than that almost now.

I, too, think this is the most negative board. I don't work for EISAI, but I did interview. I checked out CP, and I thought..."wow--something must be wrong with this Company". I chose a different company with better pay and I'm fairly happy. The Company I work for micromanages, but it seems like Eisai may micromanage even more.

I notice a lot of negativity on all the boards, but this one,,,I'd agree,,,, seems the worst.

All Pharma lay off reps. It's not just Eisai. All pharma "lies" so you all need to realize it's not just Eisai.

What's the pay range anyway now? They tried to tell me the max was 79 after having 12 years experience. I thought that really to be low. I'm making 20 k more than that almost now.

Where are you working? Any opportunities open?

Yes, its not a party at other companies but Eisai is surely the worst. Speak to anyone at another pharma company and it is unheard of where half the force is on LOEs. OB leaves messages like he is on our side but meanwhile he allows, or perhaps even, initiates his minions to disrespect underlings. Morale is worse here than anywhere.

Yes, its not a party at other companies but Eisai is surely the worst. Speak to anyone at another pharma company and it is unheard of where half the force is on LOEs. OB leaves messages like he is on our side but meanwhile he allows, or perhaps even, initiates his minions to disrespect underlings. Morale is worse here than anywhere.

How can you be put on an LOE when you cant even find a current ranking and you never see the REAL data? Most companies use rankings as the foundation for evaluations of performance. What the H do they use here? I am new and find it to be bizarre!

Let's see. This is the only company that has tons of reps on LOEs and always looking for something to nail reps on. When you have incompetent leaders, I mean managers, instead of focusing on morale during these hard times, they are constantly blaming the reps and thus have been looking to nail people for months. Reps do not receive respect here. Don't be fooled by OB's voice mails like he is your friend. He will shake your hand then talk bad about you to his cronies. This is a toxic place and that's why its so negative here. They will never admit it but its evident they are destroying the company, so unlike real leaders, they blame underlings. Look at OB how he's always talking about Cafe Pharma. How embarrassing, and executive always on CP and caring what is the latest rumor.

Let's see. This is the only company that has tons of reps on LOEs and always looking for something to nail reps on. When you have incompetent leaders, I mean managers, instead of focusing on morale during these hard times, they are constantly blaming the reps and thus have been looking to nail people for months. Reps do not receive respect here. Don't be fooled by OB's voice mails like he is your friend. He will shake your hand then talk bad about you to his cronies. This is a toxic place and that's why its so negative here. They will never admit it but its evident they are destroying the company, so unlike real leaders, they blame underlings. Look at OB how he's always talking about Cafe Pharma. How embarrassing, and executive always on CP and caring what is the latest rumor.


This is a company where only yes men get ahead. If you have an original thought or offer your perspective from any other experience, you are labeled a malcontent and will ultimately be placed on an LOE. NO - this is not an exaggeration.

Yes, there are always negative employees at every company and employees who deserve to be on an LOE. At Eisai, it is discouraged to speak your mind. And Japan is part of the problem because for years, they did not want to hear anything that wasn't "double digit growth." Therefore, upper management made sure that's what they delivered, by any means necessary. And again, this happens at other companies, but not to the extent this company has gone (in a true criminal sense).

You can say prove it, and I point you to the thread titled "keeeeeler" to give you an idea of how it will be proved in one instance. There are other cases but Eisai will settle with any employee who has a half-way decent "allegation" because they are afraid that if one case reaches deposition phase, the entire house of cards will topple.

I don't think Naito truly understand US successful business model. I remember LM told me that she was asked how many more sales reps would be hired by Naito when she was hired. It was clear that Naiot did/doesn't understand oncology at all.

Naito thought Eisai bought MGI, with more sales reps, Eisai could have more reps visit oncologists just like PC business model, Eisai oncology would be a success. Now, we all know how wrong he was.

Naito has no clue how to run a business in the US. He only listens to yes men. The result is obvious. I always wonder what he did learn from his MBA in the US.

I don't think Naito truly understand US successful business model. I remember LM told me that she was asked how many more sales reps would be hired by Naito when she was hired. It was clear that Naiot did/doesn't understand oncology at all.

Naito thought Eisai bought MGI, with more sales reps, Eisai could have more reps visit oncologists just like PC business model, Eisai oncology would be a success. Now, we all know how wrong he was.

Naito has no clue how to run a business in the US. He only listens to yes men. The result is obvious. I always wonder what he did learn from his MBA in the US.

Naito is a below average CEO at best. The only meaningful thing he has done in the last 20 years was to make the move to enter the US when almost all other Japanese companies wanted nothing to do with North America. That was more balls than smarts though. Since then, it's been one horrible decision after another.