Why is a CAS employee called a director?


Can anyone intellectually answer this question? They should not be called directors and that title is very misleading and deceiving. They have no additional skillset. Let's be honest here. Creating these positions was an enormous mistake. I also agree that these positions need to be dissolved. If they surveyed the sales force, the company would realize they offer no value at all. Can you imagine how much $$$ they make and they do nothing!!!! The company needs to invest more in MSL's.

They are ABSOLUTELY USELESS and never deliver. The sad thing is unlike sales reps, they have no consequences for not delivering. I can't believe they just go around talking about MMA and not the product. I can't begin to tell everyone how many reps have said their assigned CAS is useless and can't even make appointments themselves. How can you measure their performance when they don't sell a product? They are making six figures and touting themselves on their resumes as directors and are at a level higher than a DBM. Biggest crock in the whole industry.

Running joke of my entire district. We keep saying they have to be a joke. I just don't know how they are getting away with it and how many more months they will last before a reorg. Give them the Recothrom. At least it will give them something to do. What do they do all day?

Running joke of my entire district. We keep saying they have to be a joke. I just don't know how they are getting away with it and how many more months they will last before a reorg. Give them the Recothrom. At least it will give them something to do. What do they do all day?

Several of these promoted "director's," have never won President's club or even finished near the top? It's a little like that loser they promoted to DSM in NY. This idiot has always been a complete joke.

Several of these promoted "director's," have never won President's club or even finished near the top? It's a little like that loser they promoted to DSM in NY. This idiot has always been a complete joke.

Isn't that the complete truth!!!! NY is an embarrassment as well. What about the previous manager switching to CAS because the travel was too much and she needed to spend time with her family????? So, what do you do....you take a CAS position at the same pay grade and do nothing. This company is absolutely clueless.

So says the non presidents club winner who didnt get the promotion.
So CAS is a joke but you are jealous that they gave it to a prior DSM!
Such nice claws you have.

Oooowww someone hit a sore spot. Truth hurts doesn't it? Absolutely no reason a DBM should then become a CAS other than they don't want to work/travel when in reality the CAS employee should be doing just as much travel if not more. We are just stating facts on here. Nothing about jealousy believe me. That is such a laugh. The only thing that is true around here is certain people have received certain advantages just simply for knowing the right people. Now that is crude.

The promotions above are all a complete joke and many of us continue to shake our heads how some of these people got promoted. The truth is if you looked at most of the resumes from these individuals, they really didn't have the achievements that would warrant a promotion. Still trying to figure out how a CAS is considered a promotion when they know less and do less than a sales rep. And in regard to a DBM now turned CAS, there is no rational reason a smart company would allow that. None whatsoever. Sad.

So says the non presidents club winner who didnt get the promotion.
So CAS is a joke but you are jealous that they gave it to a prior DSM!
Such nice claws you have.

pretty easy to get to presidents club when they hand you a successful territory, in the largest market. Isn't that wright? or is it right? I also mess up the spelling/pronunciation of that one. LOL

Isn't that the complete truth!!!! NY is an embarrassment as well. What about the previous manager switching to CAS because the travel was too much and she needed to spend time with her family????? So, what do you do....you take a CAS position at the same pay grade and do nothing. This company is absolutely clueless.

Are we talking about CE??

There are good CAS out there, and they are Directors so they can do dinners without speakers present. Very simple. Some are a joke, some are outstanding. The truth is that many of the HSS are new, and CAS are a great tool to help DBM's train and develop, and work within local systems/partner with multiple HSS on the ground to reach higher level decision makers and pull through system order sets and wins. Don't hate, just enjoy the ride.

There are good CAS out there, and they are Directors so they can do dinners without speakers present. Very simple. Some are a joke, some are outstanding. The truth is that many of the HSS are new, and CAS are a great tool to help DBM's train and develop, and work within local systems/partner with multiple HSS on the ground to reach higher level decision makers and pull through system order sets and wins. Don't hate, just enjoy the ride.

CAS are not qualified. Period. It is a sham.